
New Toastmaster: TM Mimoto.

Welcome to Kochi Toastmasters Club! We are very happy to introduce our new member TM Mimoto. She has just successfully finished her first speech "Ice Breaker" today at the 33rd Regular meeting. Congratulations!

New CC: TM Yamada. Congratulations!

TM Yamada has successfully finished his first ten projects and been awarded Competent Communicator. Congratulations!

33rd Regular Meeting  Mon, October 27, 2008

[Photo]Table Topic session by TM Kitaoka

【Date】 19:00 - 21:00, Monday, Octobor 27, 2008
【Venue】Conference Room, 2nd floor, Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education, Kochi University

19:00 Call to Order President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM Mine
19:10 【Table Topics Session】 "Your favorite in Autumn" TM Nagano
19:30 【Current Topic Session】"Should we change our leader in Japan?" TM Kitaoka

19:50 Intermission

20:00 【Formal Speech Session】

◆Speaker 1 TM Sasaoka (CC Project 7:Research your topic)
Title: Finding new Images of Kochi
◆Spseaker 2 TM Mine (CC Project 9: Persuade with Power)
Title: Surfing
◆Speaker 3 TM Hayashi (CC Project 5: Your body speaks)
Title: How long will superstition survive?"
◆Speaker 4 TM Hiromatsu (CC Project 3: Get to the point)
Title:Let's enjoy Halloween!
◆Speaker 5 TM Mimoto (CC Project 1: The Ice Breaker)
Title: My hobby

20:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Nagasaki

◆Evaluator 1 TM Kago
◆Evaluator 2 TM Shiomi
◆Evaluator 3 TM Yamada
◆Evaluator 4 TM Nagasaki
◆Evaluator 5 TM Kitaoka

◆Timer:TM Kago
◆Grammarian: TM Minami Word of the day: "educational"
◆General Evaluator's Report

20:50 Business Session
21:00 Adjourn President


Current Topic for the 33rd Regular Meeting

The next current topic master TM Kitaoka announced the topic.The current topic for the next regular meeting will be:

"Should we change our leader in Japan?"

Current topic master: TM Kitaoka


TM Nagano Participated Area 43 Table Topic Speech Contest

TM Nagano participated Area 43 Table Topic Speech Contest, which was held on October 5 in Tokushima.