
Award, Award,Award!             Kochi Toastmasters club meeting on July 21st.

Perfect attendance award went to TM Nagasaki and Hayashi.

 Best entertainer award went to TM Y. Nagano.

Best pinch hitter award went to TM Tomonaga.

 Best speaker award went to TM Tsuchihashi .


Kochi Toastmasters Club 146 Regular Meeting Minutes

Kochi Toastmasters Club 146 Regular Meeting Minutes

DATE & TIME: 15:00-17:00, Saturday, June 29, 2018
VENUE: Room A326, Education & Research Building, Eikokuji Campus, Kochi University of Technology / University of Kochi
Attendees: (14/18) TM Hashimoto, TM Cooley, TM Y. Nagano, TM Shinomiya, TM Tomonaga, TM O’Dowd, TM Hayashi, TM Kunisawa, TM Ohtani, TM Ando, TM S. Nagano, TM Adachi and TM Nagasaki
Guests: Jimbo(2) and Fukui(1)
Absentees: (4) TM Kitaoka, TM Rai, TM Yamaguchi and TM Mizobuchi

15:00 Call to Order by President: President Adachi called the 146th regular meeting to
          She introduced the two guests.

15:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Y. Nagano greeted everyone present at the meeting.
           Word of the Day: Word Master: TM Tomonaga: She chose the word ‘sensible’.
           Introduction of Evaluation Team
                 General Evaluator: TM Shinomiya
                 Timer: TM Kunisawa        Vote-Counter: TM Kunisawa
                 Ah-Counter: TM Adachi    Grammarian: TM Adachi

15:13  Table Topics Session  Table Topics Master: TM Nagasaki
During the session, TM Nagasaki had the participants make speeches with each topic.  The list of speakers and topics were as follows:
Speaker 1: TM Kunisawa- Welcoming small children at Kochi Airport
Speaker 2: TM Tomonaga- Seeing off senior HS student at Kochi Airport
Speaker 3: TM Y. Nagano,- Giving orientation to student-interns at his workplace
Speaker 4: TM Adachi- As a club president, trying to make aged guests decide to join
                 their club
Speaker 5: TM Hashimoto- Persuading tourist agencies to create a new tour to Kochi
Speaker 6: TM Shinomiya- If becoming TMI President, what would she like to do?
Speaker 7: TM Tsuchihashi,- Telling her determination to stop drinking at a    
                 temperance society         
15:33   Timer’s Report & Vote: Every speaker was qualified.

15:35 Intermission

15:45 Formal Speech Session
 Speaker 1: TM Ando
  (Pathways, Innovative Planning, Ice Breaker, 4-6 min)
             Title: A Revolution in Forestry
 She works for Forestry Agency and she introduced her work using visual aids.

 Speaker 2 TM O’Dowd
            (CC#5, Your Body Speaks, 5-7min)
She will be leaving for Australia in two weeks.  She expressed her application to everyone and looked back on her days in Kochi.

 Speaker 3: TM S. Nagano
(AD#24, Special Occasion Speech, The ROAST, 3-5 min)
             Title: Disclosing Her Life
As a long-time friend of Ai-chan's, she described(rousted)  her lovable life and character.

16:10   Timer’s Report &Vote: TM S. Nagano was qualified, TM Ando and TM O’Dowd were disqualified.
16:12 Evaluation Session   General Evaluator
            Evaluator 1: TM Tsuchihashi
            Evaluator 2: TM Hayashi
            Evaluator 3: TM Cooley

16:23   Timer’s Report &Vote: Every speaker was qualified.

16:25  Report
     Ah-Counter, Grammarian, Word Master
           General Evaluator’s Comments
    Award Presentation: President TM Adachi announced the winner: Best TT Speaker: TM Shinomiya, Best FS Speaker: Since two of the three were disqualified, no one was selected. and Best Evaluator: Since one of the three was disqualified, no one was selected.

    Address by Toastmaster

16:30 Business Session: VPE
1 Role Assignment for the next regular meeting (July 21st):
TMOD: TM S. Nagano, TTM: TM Y. Nagano, GE: TM Kunisawa, FS: TM Tomonaga, TM Tsuchihashi and TM Ando
2 Club Officers

16:45 Installation Ceremony for 2018-2019 Officers
Outgoing officers were discharged.  Installation Ceremony was held and new officers vowed to serve Kochi Toastmasters Club.
TM Tsuchihashi as President, TM Ando as VPE, TM Y. Nagano as VPM, TM Kitaoka(absent) as VPPR, TM S. Nagano as Secretary, TM Kunisawa as Treasurer and TM Hashimoto as SAA

17:00 Adjourn

Regular meeting in July:
July 21
13:30~ : Officer meeting
15:00 ~ 17:00: Regular meeting
16: 00~ : Beer party at Sansuien Hotel garden