
53rd Regular Meeting

DATE & TIME: 15:00-17:00, Saturday, July 24,  2010

VENUE: Conference Room (2F), Kochi University Fuzoku Junior HIgh School

14:00 Officer Meeting

15:00 Call to Order by President

15:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Hiromatsu 

Introduction of the Guests
   Area Governor TM Shibata, KUT Students 

Word Master: TM  Shimizu

Introduction of Evaluation Team by General Evaluator
  General Evaluator : TM Nagasaki 
  Timer & Record Keeper : TM Shiomi      
  Ah-Counter: TM Hiromatsu
  Grammarian & Phonetician: TM Kitaoka

15:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Hayashi

15:30 Intermission

15:40 【Formal Speech Session】

Speaker 1: TM Yamanaka (CC#6, Vocal variety, 5-7 min) 
  Title: Beer and Kochi
Speaker 2: TM Tomonaga (CC#8,Get comfortable with visual aids, 5-7 min) 
  Title: Special visitors from abroad
Speaker 3: TM Ando (CC#7, Research your topic , 5-7 min)
  Title: Your amazing treasure ‘Tosa-washi’
Speaker 4: TM Nagano (AD Humorously speaking, #2,Leave them with a smile ,5-7 min)
  Title: Teeth 

16:20 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator 
 Evaluator 1: TM Kato
 Evaluator 2: TM Kitaoka
 Evaluator 3: TM Hayashi 
 Evaluator 4: TM Sasaoka

      Timer, Grammarian & Phonetician, Ah-Counter and Word Master's report
      General Evaluator's Comment

16:40 Sharing Session

16:50 Business Session

17:00 Adjourn President
17:30  Beer Garden Party
高知新阪急ホテル 龍馬ビアガーデン 3300 yen


Club Officers 2010-2011

Officers for Club 861224 as of June 28, 2010
For the period July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
President Hisato Sasaoka, CC
Vice President Education Nagasaki Masahiro, ACB
Vice President Membership Kenichi Kitaoka, CC
Vice President Public Relations Sachi Nagano, CC
Secretary Yoko Hiromatsu, CC
Treasurer Kiyo Tomonaga
Sergeant at Arms Yuka Yamanaka