
69th Regular Meeting

DATE &TIME: 15:00-17:00, Saturday, December 17, 2011
VENUE: Meeting Room 2, Sogo-Kyoiku, Kochi University

15:00 Call to Order by President
15:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Nagano

Introduction of the Guests
  TM Miyaji, Senri TMC     TM Shibata, District 76  Secretary

Word Master: TM  Sasaoka

Introduction of Evaluation Team by General Evaluator
General Evaluator : TM Hiromatsu
Timer & Record Keeper : TM Hahashi
Ah-Counter: TM  Tomonaga
Grammarian: TM Shimizu

15:10 【Table Topic Session】 Table Topics Master: TM Maclure

15:30 Intermission

15:40 【Formal Speech Session】

Speaker1: TM  Upul (CC #5, Your body speaks, 5-7 min)
Title:Ein Wenig Japanisch Sprache
Speaker2: TM Tsuchihashi (CC #5, Your body speaks, 5-7 min)
Title:  "Your Pension Pays."

Speaker3: TM Ando  (AD #1, The Speech to Inform , 5-7 min)
39; the future is all up to us
16:00 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator

Evaluator 1: TM  Yamanaka
Evaluator 2: TM  Hashimoto
Evaluator 3: TM  Nagasaki

Timer, Grammarian, Ah-Counter and Word Master's report
General Evaluator's Comment
Sharing session

16:30 Business Session
   -  70th regular Meeting
            -  Dues increase

17:00 Adjourn President

18:00   Year-End Party

   Horikawa http://www.umai.ne.jp/horikawa-tenpo.html



68th Regular Meeting

Hi everyone.
This is the agenda for the next meeting. Please look over and let me
know if there is any change.
DATE &TIME: 19:00-21:00, Monday, November 28, 2011
VENUE: Meeting Room 2, Sogo-Kyoiku, Kochi University

19:00 Call to Order by President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Tomonaga

Introduction of the Guests

Word Master: TM  Upul

Introduction of Evaluation Team by General Evaluator
General Evaluator : TM  Tsuchihashi
Timer & Record Keeper : TM  Kato
Ah-Counter: TM  Nagano
Grammarian: TM  Nagasaki

19:10 【Table Topic Session】 Table Topics Master: TM Yamanaka

19:30 Intermission

19:40 【Formal Speech Session】

Speaker1: TM  Hashimoto (CC #1, The Ice breaker, 4-6 min)
Title:  Self-introduction
Speaker2: TM Matsumoto (CC #2, Organize your speech, 5-7 min)
Title:  Toilet
Speaker3: TM Doi  (CC #2,  Organize your speech, 5-7 min)
Title: Happiness
Speaker4: TM Malclure(CC #3, Get to the point,  5-7min)
Title : Belle Epoque

20:00 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator

Evaluator 1: TM  Sasaoka
Evaluator 2: TM  Hiromatsu
Evaluator 3: TM  Hayashi
Evaluator 4: TM  Ando

Timer, Grammarian, Ah-Counter and Word Master's report
General Evaluator's Comment

20:10 Business Session
21:00 Adjourn President 


67th Regular Meeting

DATE &TIME: 19:00-21:00, Monday, October 24, 2011
VENUE: Meeting Room 2, Sogo-Kyoiku, Kochi University

19:00 Call to Order by President

19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Maclure

Introduction of the Guests

Word Master: TM Hiromatsu

Introduction of Evaluation Team by General Evaluator
General Evaluator : TM Hayashi
Timer & Record Keeper : TM Timer
Ah-Counter: TM Tsuchihashi
Grammarian: TM Kato

19:10 【Table Topic Session】

Table Topic Master: TM Tomonaga

19:30 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator

Timer, Grammarian, Ah-Counter and Word Master's report
General Evaluator's Comment

19:40 Preparation Meeting for Area Contest

21:00 Adjourn President



A brand-new club banner with a brand-new toastmaster logo has just arrived!


66th Regular Meeting

DATE &TIME: 19:00-21:00, Monday, September 26, 2011
VENUE: Meeting Room 2, Sogo-Kyoiku, Kochi University

19:00 Call to Order by President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Ando

Introduction of the Guests

Word Master: TM Doi

Introduction of Evaluation Team by General Evaluator
General Evaluator : TM Nagasaki
Timer & Record Keeper : TM Matsumoto
Ah-Counter: TM Hayshi
Grammarian: TM Tomonaga

19:10 【In House Evaluation Speech Contest】
☆Test Speech
Information about the test speech will be announced in the contest.

TM Hayashi
Title: Nuclear power accident

☆Evaluation speech

Speaker1: TM Maclure
Speaker2: TM Upul

Speaker3: TM Yamanaka

☆Judges: TM Nagasaki, Nagano, Ando

Counter: Hayashi

19:30 【Formal Speech Session】

Speaker 1: TM Tsuchihashi (CC #4, How to say it, 5-7 min)
Title:How BBcrean changed my morning

19:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator

Evaluator 1: TM Ngagasaki

☆Announcement of In-House Contest Result

Timer, Grammarian, Ah-Counter and Word Master's report
General Evaluator's Comment

20:00 Preparation Meeting for Area Contest


2)Team meeting

21:00 Adjourn President


65th Regular Meeting

DATE &TIME: 19:00-21:00, Monday, August 22, 2011
VENUE: Meeting Room 2, Sogo-Kyoiku, Kochi University

19:00 Call to Order by President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Nagasaki

Introduction of the Guests
TM Bando, Area 54 Governor
Ms. Saori Hamada, Ms. Kiyo Doi, Ms. Shinobu Muta, Ms. Sayuri Hashimoto

Word Master: TM Tsuchihashi

Introduction of Evaluation Team by General Evaluator
General Evaluator : TM Nagano
Timer & Record Keeper : TM Doi
Ah-Counter: TM Matsumoto
Grammarian: TM Hiromatsu

19:10 【Spring Debate League】 Debate Master: TM Nagasaki
Proposition "Japan should allow Casinos."
Match 3 Affirmative Team Hiromatsu vs Negative Team Upul
Judge Team Ando

19:40 Intermission

19:50 【Formal Speech Session】

Speaker1: TM Maclure (CC #3, Get to the point, 5-7 min)
Title: Kiitekudasai
Speaker2: TM Upul (CC #4, How to say it, 5-7 min)
Title: "When You Feel Stressed"
Speaker3: TM Yamanaka (AD Speaking to inform,#1, The Speech to Inform , 5-7 min)
Title: “The school system in foreign countries”
Speaker4: TM Hiromatsu (AD The Entertaining Speaker, #2 Resources for Entertainment, 5-7min)
Title : "Waiting Time Can Be Precious".

20:00 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator

Evaluator 1: TM Sasaoka
Evaluator 2: TM Nagasaki
Evaluator 3: TM Ando
Evaluator 4: TM Hayashi

Timer, Grammarian, Ah-Counter and Word Master's report
General Evaluator's Comment

20:10 Business Session
21:00 Adjourn President


64th Regular Meeting

DATE &TIME: 15:00-17:00, Saturday, July 23, 2011
VENUE: Meeting Room 2, Sogo-Kyoiku, Kochi University

14:00 New Officer Meeting

15:00 Call to Order by President
15:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Yamanaka
Introduction of the Guests

Word Master: Kishimoto
Introduction of Evaluation Team by General Evaluator
General Evaluator : TM Hiromatsu
Timer & Record Keeper : TM Momota
Ah-Counter: TM Hiromatsu
Grammarian: TM Nagano

15:10 【Spring Debate League】 Debate Master: TM Nagasaki

Proposition "Japan should allow Casinos."

Match 1
Affirmative Team Ando
Negative Team Hiromatsu
Judge Team Upul

15:40 Intermission

15:50 【Formal Speech Session】

Speaker 1: TM Matsumoto (CC #1, Icebreaker, 4-6 min)
Title: Self-introduction

Speaker 2: TM Doi (CC #1, Icebreaker, 4-6 min)
Title: Self-introduction

Speaker3: TM Maclure (CC #2, Organize your speech, 5-7 min)
Title: A Brief Tour

Speaker 4: TM Upul (CC #3, Get to the Point, 5-7 min)
Title: "Are you secure?"

Speaker 5: TM Tsuchihashi (CC #3, Get to the Point, 5-7 min)
Title: "It is easier said than done"

16:20 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator

Evaluator 1: TM Sasaoka
Evaluator 2: TM Tomonaga
Evaluator 3: TM Hayashi
Evaluator 4: TM Ando
Evaluator 5: TM Nagasaki

Timer, Grammarian, Ah-Counter and Word Master's report
General Evaluator's Comment

16:50 Business Session

17:00 Adjourn President

18:30 Summer Party
At Matahari http://www.hotpepper.jp/strJ000684075/appearance/
4,000 yen


63rd Regular Meeting

DATE &TIME: 19:00-21:00, Monday, June 27, 2011
VENUE: Meeting Room 2, Sogo-Kyoiku, Kochi University

19:00 Call to Order by President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Upul
Introduction of the Guests Ms. Matsumoto and Ms. Doi

Word Master: TM Sasaoka
Introduction of Evaluation Team by General Evaluator
General Evaluator : TM Ando
Timer & Record Keeper : TM Yamanaka
Ah-Counter: TM Maclure
Grammarian: TM Tsuchihashi

19:10 【Spring Debate League】 Debate Master: TM Nagasaki

Proposition "Japan should allow Casinos."

Match 1
Affirmative Team Upul
Negative Team Ando
Judge Team Hiromatsu

19:40 Intermission

19:50 【Formal Speech Session】

Speaker1: TM Nagano (AD #5, Interpretive Reading, 8-10 min)
Title: #1 Read a Story, "Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl

20:00 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator

Evaluator 1: TM Maclure 

Timer, Grammarian, Ah-Counter and Word Master's report
General Evaluator's Comment

20:10 Business Session
1)Officer Election
2)Mentoring a new member

21:00 Adjourn President


Spring Debate League

☆Proposition will be chosen at the meeting.


May 23 Preparation & strategy meeting
June Match 1 Team Uplu Team Ando
July Match 2 Team Ando Team Hiromatsu
August Match 3 Team Hiromatsu Team Uplu






62nd Regular Meeting

DATE &TIME: 19:00-21:00, Monday, May 23, 2011

VENUE: Meeting Room 3, Sogo-Kyoiku, Kochi University

19:00 Call to Order by President

19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Tomonaga

Introduction of the Guests

Word Master: TM Nagasaki

Introduction of Evaluation Team by General Evaluator

General Evaluator : TM Hayashi

Timer & Record Keeper : TM Kishimoto

Ah-Counter: TM Momota

Grammarian: TM Maclure

19:10 【Spring Debate League】 Debate Master: TM Nagasaki

-Team building

-Preparation Meeting

19:40 Intermission

19:50 【Formal Speech Session】

Speaker 1: TM Kishimoto (CC #1,Icebreaker, 4-6 min)


Speaker 2: TM Maclure (CC #1,Icebreaker, 4-6 min)


Speaker 3: TM Ando (CC #10, Inspire your audience, 8-10 min)

Title: “Enjoy your life”.

20:30 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator

Evaluator 1: TM Hiromatsu 

Evaluator 2: TM Tomonaga

Evaluator 3: TM Nagano

Timer, Grammarian, Ah-Counter and Word Master's report

General Evaluator's Comment


20:55 Business Session

21:00 Adjourn President


61st Regular Meeting

DATE &TIME: 19:00-21:00, Monday, April 25, 2011
VENUE: Meeting Room 3, Sogo-Kyoiku, Kochi University

19:00 Call to Order by President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Tsuchihashi
Introduction of the Guests

Word Master: TM Shimizu
Introduction of Evaluation Team by General Evaluator
General Evaluator : TM Nagasaki
Timer & Record Keeper : TM Yamanaka
Ah-Counter: TM Yamaura
Grammarian: TM Yamanaka

19:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Hiromatsu
19:30 【Better Speaker Workshop】 TM Nagasaki

19:40 Intermission

19:50 【Formal Speech Session】

Speaker 1: TM Kumon
Title: How I came to be in my present occupation
Speaker 2: TM Takeda (CC #3,Get to the point,5-7 min)
Title: Snow boarding is great
Speaker 3: TM Uplu (CC #2, Organize your speech, 5-7 min)
Title: 26th December 2004: An Unforgettable Catastrophe
Speaker 4: TM Tomonaga (CC #10, Inspire your audience, 5-7 min)
Title: Live and learn in toastmasters

20:30 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator

Evaluator 1: TM Ando
Evaluator 2: TM Nagano
Evaluator 3: TM Sasaoka
Evaluator 4: TM Hayashi

Timer, Grammarian, Ah-Counter and Word Master's report
General Evaluator's Comment

20:55 Business Session
21:00 Adjourn President


60th Regular meeting

DATE &TIME: 19:00-21:00, Monday, March 28, 2011
VENUE: Meeting Room 3, Sogo-Kyoiku, Kochi University

19:00 Call to Order by President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Kato
Introduction of the Guests

Word Master: TM Upul
Introduction of Evaluation Team by General Evaluator
General Evaluator : TM Yamanaka
Timer & Record Keeper : TM Hiromatsu
Ah-Counter: TM Tsuchihashi
Grammarian: TM Nagasaki

19:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Tomonaga

19:30 Intermission

19:40 【Formal Speech Session】

Speaker 1: TM Yamaura (CC #1, The Ice Breaker ,5-7 min)
Title: What I got from Montreal
Speaker 2: TM Ando (CC #9, Persuade with power , 5-7 min)
Title: Further provisions against Nankai earthquake
Speaker 3: TM Hayashi (AD Speaking to inform, #5, 5-7 min)
Title: The joint meeting
Speaker 4: TM Nagano (AD Speaking to inform, #3, 5-7 min)
Title: Meeting different generations
Speaker 5: TM Takeda (CC #2, Organize your speech ,5-7 min)
Title : Send message to Dr.Kitaoka

20:30 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator

Evaluator 1: TM Upul
Evaluator 2: TM Tsuchihashi
Evaluator 3: TM Nakagawa

Evaluator 4: TM Kitaoka
Evaluator 5: TM Hiromatsu
Timer, Grammarian, Ah-Counter and Word Master's report
General Evaluator's Comment

20:55 Business Session
21:00 Adjourn President


59th Regular Meeting

DATE &TIME: 19:00-21:00, Monday, February 28, 2011
VENUE: Kochi University Fuzoku Junior High School

19:00 Call to Order by President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Kitaoka
Introduction of the Guests

Word Master: TM Yamanaka
Introduction of Evaluation Team by General Evaluator
General Evaluator : TM Hiromatsu
Timer & Record Keeper : TM Yamaura
Ah-Counter: TM Takeda
Grammarian: TM Nakagawa

19:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Kitaoka
19:30 【Better Speaker Workshop】TM Nagano

19:50 Intermission

20:00 【Formal Speech Session】
Speaker 1: TM Upul (CC #1, Ice breaker ,4-6 min)

Speaker 2: TM Tsuchihashi (CC #2,Organize your speech ,5-7 min)
Title: How to sleep well

Speaker 3: TM Kato(CC #3,Get to the point , 5-7 min)
Title: Caterpillar
Speaker 4: TM Yamanaka (CC #10,Inspire your audience 5-7 min)
Title: Graduation
20:30 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator
Evaluator 1: TM Hayashi
Evaluator 2: TM Tomonaga
Evaluator 3: TM Nagano
Evaluator 4: TM Sasaoka

Timer, Grammarian, Ah-Counter and Word Master's report
General Evaluator's Comment

20:55 Business Session
Spring speech contest
Spring conference 2011 (Tokyo)
21:00 Adjourn President