
77th Regular Meeting

DATE &TIME: 18:00-20:00, Monday, Aug. 27, 2012
VENUE: Meeting Room 2, Sogo-Kyoiku, Kochi University

18:00 Call to Order by President

18:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Ando
Introduction of the Guests (Area Gov Ohnishi, Ms Adachi ,Ms tsukuda,Ms yamaji,Ms okuda,
Mr&Mrs Ito)

Word of the Day: Word Master TM Nagano  "fit"

Introduction of Evaluation Team by General Evaluator
General Evaluator : TM Hayashi
Timer & Record Keeper : TM Nagasaki
Ah-Counter: TM Upul
Grammarian: TM Hiromatsu

18:10 Table Topic Session Table Topics Master: TM Tomonaga

18:30 Intermission

18:40 Formal Speech Session
           Speaker 1: TM Amol (CC #1 ,The Ice Breaker , 4-6 min)
Title: How I came up to here
Speaker 2: TM Kato (CC #7 ,Research Your Topic , 5-7 min)
Title:A successful Evening

Speaker 3: TM Tsuchihashi (CC #8 ,Get Comfortable with Visual Aids , 5-7 min)
Title: I Love Sakura

Speaker 4:  TM Upul (AD #1 ,Public Relations,The Goodwill Speech , 5-7 min)
Title:Discovering the speaker in you

Speaker 5: TM Nagano (AD #7 ,Interpretive Reading,the Monodrama , 5-7 min)  )
Title: Virginia's Letter

19:20 Evaluation Session General Evaluator
Evaluator 1: TM Yamaura
Evaluator 2: TM Ohnishi
Evaluator 3: TM Hashimoto
Evaluator 4: TM Nagasaki
Evaluator 5: TM Ando

  Timer, Ah-Counter, Grammarian and Word Master
  General Evaluator’s Comment
Address by Toastmaster
19:45 Comments by Area 56 Governor TM Ohnishi
19:50 Business Session
20:00 Adjourn
20:15 Upul’s farewell party about¥2500
備長扇屋 (Bintyou ougiya) 高知大学前店 高知県高知市曙町2-1-18 Tel : 088-828-4118


76th Regular Meeting

DATE &TIME: 15:00-17:00, Saturday, July 14, 2012
VENUE: Meeting Room 2, Sogo-Kyoiku, Kochi University
14:00 New Officer Meeting
15:00 Call to Order by President
  Award Presentation
 15:10 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Tomonaga
 Introduction of the Guests

 Word Master: TM Ando

Introduction of Evaluation Team by General Evaluator
 General Evaluator : TM Malcolm
 Timer & Record Keeper : TM Sasaoka
 Ah-Counter: TM Nagasaki
 Grammarian: TM Kato

15:15 【Table Topic Session】 Table Topics Master: TM Upul

15:35 Intermission

15:45 【Formal Speech Session】

 Speaker 1: TM Hashimoto (CC # 4 , How to say it , 5-7 min)
 Title: The worst 2 in the happiness ranking?!

 Speaker 2: TM Kato (CC # 6, Vocal Variety, 5-7 min)
 Title: Love and Compassion

 Speaker 3: TM Ando (AD # 4, A Fact-Finding Report, 5-7 min)
Title: Oh, deer!
 The Question-and-Answer Period (2-3 min) 

16:25 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator
 Evaluator 1: TM Hayashi
 Evaluator 2: TM Tsuchihashi
 Evaluator 3: TM Sasaoka

Timer, Ah-Counter, Grammarian and Word Maser  
General Evaluator’s Comment  

Address by Toastmaster
 16:50【Business Session】
 17:00 Adjoun President

 18:30 Beer Party Xuan (スアン)高知市帯屋町2-1-29 暖流ビル2F Tel 088-824-5417