
Club Speech Contest: 2018 Spring

On February 27, Kochi Toastmasters Club held the Club Speech contest. TM Kuniswa and TM Hashimoto were chosen to be the first prize winners of the contest.  They will represent our club and proceed to the Area contest, which will be held on March 4th in Imabari.  


English Contest Winner:  TM Kunisawa

Japanese Contest Winner: TM Hashimoto


Agenda: 142nd Regular Meeting

DATE&TIME: 19:00-21:00, Tuesday, February 27, 2018
VENUE:  Room A327, Education & Research Building
               Eikokuji Campus, Kochi University of Technology / University of Kochi

*Be sure to exchange your CL Manuals before the meeting starts

19:00 Call to Order by President
           Introduction of the Guests
   Area Director Ike Yamamura

19:03 Greeting by Toastmaster:  TM Adachi
          Timer: TM Tomonaga
          Grammarian: TM O’Dowd
19:08Table Topics Session
           Table Topics Master:  TM Hayashi

19:23 Report
          Timer, Grammarian

19:25 Intermission
 Preparation & Briefing

19:45In-House Speech Contest
           Contest Chair: TM Adachi
   Chief Judge: TM Shinomiya
   Timer: TM Yamaguchi
   Vote Counters: TM Hayashi, TM Y.Nagano  

Contestants: Alphabetically
           TM Cooley          (     )                                                    

TM Hashimoto    (     )

20:40 Sharing

20:45 Business Session: VPE
1       Club Officers 
2       Role Assignment

21:00 Adjourn 


Club 141st Regular Meeting Minutes

-Induction Ceremony for TM Mizobuchi and TM Hamaguchi conducted by VPM, TM Kunisawa
-Induction Ceremony for TM Mizobuchi and TM Hamaguchi conducted by VPM, TM Tomonaga

Kochi Toastmasters Club 141st Regular Meeting Minutes
Date: January 27th 2018
Location: Room A327, Education and Research Building, Eikokuji Campus, Kochi University of Technology / University of Kochi
Attendees: TM Shinomiya, TM Nagasaki, TM S. Nagano, TM Hayashi, TM Tomonaga, TM Tsuchihashi, TM Hashimoto, TM Adachi, TM Kunisawa, TM Y. Nagano, TM O`Dowd, TM Yamaguchi, TM Mizobuchi, and TM Hamaguchi
Absentees: TM Kitaoka and TM Cooley, TM Wong, and TM Sawada
 -Opening address by Keiko Adachi, President of Kochi Toastmasters Club:
Introduced two guests, Mr. Yanagi and Ms. Yanagi, who introduced themselves
Congratulated TM S. Nagano on achieving Advanced Communicator Silver recognition.
-Induction Ceremony for TM Mizobuchi and TM Hamaguchi conducted by VPM, TM Tomonaga
-Addressed by TM Yamaguchi, Toastmaster of the Day,  greeted everyone present at the meeting.
Explained today’s meeting.
Word of the Day: Word Master: TM Kunisawa: She chose the word ‘delightful’.                                                                                                                                       -Introduction of Evaluation Team:
-General Evaluator: TM Y. Nagano
-Timer: TM Adachi      -Vote-Counter: TM Shinomiya
-Ah-Counter: TM Shinomiya  -Grammarian: TM Kunisawa
- Table Topics Session  Table Topics Master: TM Tsuchihashi:
During the session, TM Tsuchihashi had the participants give tips for evaluation speeches. The list of speakers was as follows:
Speaker 1: TM Mizobuchi, what did she think when she first listened to an evaluation speech in a regular meeting
Speaker 2: TM Y. Nagano, what does he do to prepare for an evaluation speech
Speaker 3: TM Kunisawa, when she is a FS speaker, what evaluation does she want
Speaker 4: TM Nagasaki, what did he think when he made an evaluation speech for the first time
Speaker 5: TM Adachi, tell the audience about her tips for successful evaluation speeches
Speaker 6: TM Shinomiya, evaluate TM Tsuchihashi’s TT session  for today
 -Timer’s Report & Voting
Every speech was qualified.
-Formal Speech Session:
Speaker 1: TM Hamaguchii:  (CC #1 Ice Breakert, 4-6 min) Title-The second Mother= I made a speech about my second mother who was my host mother in Australia when I studied English. My first speech was over. While giving a speech, I was nervous and tense so much. But I was delighted it and learned many things. I spent a lot of time for the preparation so I could gain new words and expressions.  I realized I made a good start in this time. 
Speaker 2: TM O’Dowd: (CC #3 Get to the Point, 5-7 min)  Title- Vanity= I do a lot of things for vanity, but there is one thing I’ll never do again. That is whiten my teeth!
Speaker 3: TM Hashimoto: (CC #2 Organize Your Speech, 5-7 min) Title- My New Year’s Resolution= By making New Year's resolution, we can do something quickly. I will recommend you to make yours.
Speaker 4: TM Tomonaga: (AD # 7 Technical Presentation, The Nontechnical Audience, 10-12 min) Title- Supposed Makes the Future Brighter= Recently, the number of traffic accidents caused by senior drivers is increasing. The Japanese government is working hard to promote safety support cars.
-Timer’s Report & Vote
Every speech was qualified.
-Evaluation Session  General Evaluator, TM Y. Nagano
Evaluator 1: TM  S. Nagano
Evaluator 2: TM  Y. Nagasaki
Evaluator 3: TM Hayashi
Evaluator 4: TM Kunisawa
 -Timer’s Report & Vote
Every speech was qualified.
 -Reports :
 Ah-Counter: 2-3 Ahs- TM Y. Nagano, TM Nagasaki, TM Hashimoto, TM Yamaguchi, TM S. Nagano, and TM Hayashi, 7 Ahs - TM Adachi, and more than 10 Ahs- TM Kunisawa and TM Tomonaga
Word Master: twice-TM Y. Nagano and TM Nagasaki, once- TM Tomonaga, TM Tsuchihashi, TM O’Dowd, and TM S. Nagano
    General Evaluator’s Comments
   Address by Toastmaster of the Day, TM Yamaguchi
-Award Presentation: Best TT Speaker: TM Mizobuchi, Best FS Speaker: TM O’Dowd, and Best Evaluation Speakers: TM Kunisawa and TM S. Nagano
-Business Session 
  • The upcoming meeting dates:19:00, February 27th(Tuesday)
17:00 Adjourn

Agenda: 142nd Regular Meeting

DATE&TIME: 19:00-21:00, Tuesday, February 27, 2018
VENUE:  Room A327, Education & Research Building
               Eikokuji Campus, Kochi University of Technology / University of Kochi
*Be sure to exchange your CL Manuals before the meeting starts

19:00 Call to Order by President
           Introduction of the Guests
           Area Director Ike Yamamura

19:03 Greeting by Toastmaster:  TM Adachi
          Timer: TM Yamaguchi
          Ah-counter: TM Hayashi
19:08Formal Speech Session
           Speaker:  TM Mizobuchi
               (CC #        min)
19:15 Evaluation Session  
Evaluator: TM O‘Dowd 

19:18 Report
          Timer, Ah-counter

19:20 Intermission
 Preparation & Briefing

19:35 In-House Speech Contest
             Contest Chair: TM Adachi
   Chief Judge: TM Shinomiya
   Timer: TM Yamaguchi
   Vote Counters: TM Hayashi, TM Y.Nagano  

 <English> Contestants: Alphabetically 
           TM Cooley            (     ) 
           TM Kunisawa       (     )
           TM Tsuchihashi    (     )

TM Hashimoto   

20:30 Sharing

20:35 Business Session: VPE
1       Club Officers 
2       Role Assignment

21:00 Adjourn