Kochi Toastmasters Club 141st Regular Meeting Minutes
Date: January 27th 2018
Location: Room A327, Education and Research Building, Eikokuji Campus, Kochi University of Technology / University of Kochi
Attendees: TM Shinomiya, TM Nagasaki, TM S. Nagano, TM Hayashi, TM Tomonaga, TM Tsuchihashi, TM Hashimoto, TM Adachi, TM Kunisawa, TM Y. Nagano, TM O`Dowd, TM Yamaguchi, TM Mizobuchi, and TM Hamaguchi
Absentees: TM Kitaoka and TM Cooley, TM Wong, and TM Sawada
-Opening address by Keiko Adachi, President of Kochi Toastmasters Club:
Introduced two guests, Mr. Yanagi and Ms. Yanagi, who introduced themselves
Congratulated TM S. Nagano on achieving Advanced Communicator Silver recognition.
-Induction Ceremony for TM Mizobuchi and TM Hamaguchi conducted by VPM, TM Tomonaga
-Addressed by TM Yamaguchi, Toastmaster of the Day, greeted everyone present at the meeting.
Explained today’s meeting.
Word of the Day: Word Master: TM Kunisawa: She chose the word ‘delightful’. -Introduction of Evaluation Team:
-General Evaluator: TM Y. Nagano
-Timer: TM Adachi -Vote-Counter: TM Shinomiya
-Ah-Counter: TM Shinomiya -Grammarian: TM Kunisawa
- Table Topics Session Table Topics Master: TM Tsuchihashi:
During the session, TM Tsuchihashi had the participants give tips for evaluation speeches. The list of speakers was as follows:
Speaker 1: TM Mizobuchi, what did she think when she first listened to an evaluation speech in a regular meeting
Speaker 2: TM Y. Nagano, what does he do to prepare for an evaluation speech
Speaker 3: TM Kunisawa, when she is a FS speaker, what evaluation does she want
Speaker 4: TM Nagasaki, what did he think when he made an evaluation speech for the first time
Speaker 5: TM Adachi, tell the audience about her tips for successful evaluation speeches
Speaker 6: TM Shinomiya, evaluate TM Tsuchihashi’s TT session for today
-Timer’s Report & Voting
Every speech was qualified.
-Formal Speech Session:
Speaker 1: TM Hamaguchii: (CC #1 Ice Breakert, 4-6 min) Title-The second Mother= I made a speech about my second mother who was my host mother in Australia when I studied English. My first speech was over. While giving a speech, I was nervous and tense so much. But I was delighted it and learned many things. I spent a lot of time for the preparation so I could gain new words and expressions. I realized I made a good start in this time.
Speaker 2: TM O’Dowd: (CC #3 Get to the Point, 5-7 min) Title- Vanity= I do a lot of things for vanity, but there is one thing I’ll never do again. That is whiten my teeth!
Speaker 3: TM Hashimoto: (CC #2 Organize Your Speech, 5-7 min) Title- My New Year’s Resolution= By making New Year's resolution, we can do something quickly. I will recommend you to make yours.
Speaker 4: TM Tomonaga: (AD # 7 Technical Presentation, The Nontechnical Audience, 10-12 min) Title- Supposed Makes the Future Brighter= Recently, the number of traffic accidents caused by senior drivers is increasing. The Japanese government is working hard to promote safety support cars.
-Timer’s Report & Vote
Every speech was qualified.
-Evaluation Session General Evaluator, TM Y. Nagano
Evaluator 1: TM S. Nagano
Evaluator 2: TM Y. Nagasaki
Evaluator 3: TM Hayashi
Evaluator 4: TM Kunisawa
-Timer’s Report & Vote
Every speech was qualified.
-Reports :
Ah-Counter: 2-3 Ahs- TM Y. Nagano, TM Nagasaki, TM Hashimoto, TM Yamaguchi, TM S. Nagano, and TM Hayashi, 7 Ahs - TM Adachi, and more than 10 Ahs- TM Kunisawa and TM Tomonaga
Word Master: twice-TM Y. Nagano and TM Nagasaki, once- TM Tomonaga, TM Tsuchihashi, TM O’Dowd, and TM S. Nagano
General Evaluator’s Comments
Address by Toastmaster of the Day, TM Yamaguchi
-Award Presentation: Best TT Speaker: TM Mizobuchi, Best FS Speaker: TM O’Dowd, and Best Evaluation Speakers: TM Kunisawa and TM S. Nagano
-Business Session
- The upcoming meeting dates:19:00, February 27th(Tuesday)
17:00 Adjourn