
Kochi Toastmasters Club 152nd Regular Meeting Minutes

Kochi Toastmasters Club 152nd Regular Meeting Minutes

DATE & TIME: 15:00-17:20, Saturday, December 15, 2018
VENUE: Room A327, Education & Research Building, Eikokuji Campus, Kochi          
             University of Technology / University of Kochi

Attendees: (11/16) TM Tsuchihashi, TM Tomonaga, TM Nagasaki, TM Kitaoka, TM Hashimoto, TM Shinomiya, TM Hayashi, TM Cooley, TM Komatsu, TM Ando, and TM S. Nagano,
Guest: Mr. Ikeda
Absentees: (5) TM Ohtani, TM Adachi, TM Mizobuchi, TM Kunisawa, and TM Y. Nagano

15:00 Call to Order by President: President Tsuchihashi called the 152nd regular meeting to order.  She thanked all the club members for hosting the COT #2 on the 2nd.  She said to everyone to enjoy this meeting.

15:01 Vote and Induction Ceremony for Ms. Komatsu conducted by President
Ms. Komatsu was accepted as a new member of Kochi Toastmasters Club.

15:07 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Hashimoto greeted everyone present at the meeting.
           Word of the Day: Word Master: TM S. Nagano: She chose the word ‘sufficient’.
           Introduction of Evaluation Team
                 General Evaluator: TM Cooley
                 Timer: TM Tsuchihashi, Ando    Vote-Counter: TM Komatsu
                 Ah-Counter: TM Nagasaki      Grammarian: TM Tomonaga

15:13 Thought of the Day: TM Komatsu
She had finished high school last March and she entered a driving school.  Then she got her driving license recently.  It will help her experience a new world.  

15:15 Formal Speech Session]
 Speaker 1: TM Hayashi
  (Pathways, Innovative Planning, Ice Breaker 4-6 min)
Title: What I’ve Learned from Libraries
He often goes to the library(Otepia). It seems to be his favorite pastime.  He talked about his daily life and ideas related to unexpected occurrences at the library.  Reading books gives him new ideas, and he feels his life is worth living.

 Speaker 2: TM Shinomiya      
  (AD #13, Humorously Speaking, Project 1, Warm Up Your Audience, 5-7 min)
Title: Honest Feedback
She spoke about her TM experiences and the importance of honest feedback.

 Speaker 3: TM Kitaoka      
 (AD #9, Communication on Television, Project 5, Training on Television, 5-7 min for presentation, 5-7 min for playback of the video)
Title: The recipe for a good speech
He talked about how to prepare a good speech, and it was very similar to cooking.  He told we need good materials, we should know how to make it with the CC manual.  Good stories were coming up by thinking of the “ Interrogative Why”.

Speaker 4: TM Nagasaki      
 (AD #26, Storytelling, Project 1, The Folk Tale, 7-9 min)
Title: Runaway Pancake
He told a famous and well-known story, Runaway Pancake.  When he was telling the story to the audiences, he was sitting in a chair, and he sometimes looked around gently.

Speaker 5: TM Ando      
 (High Performance Leadership, Part 5, Analyzing & Presentation Your Result, 5-7 min)
Title: What I’ve learned through the project
She conducted a My-Yu Bus Tour for newly arrived foreign students and workers to let them get accustomed to life in Kochi and to help them enjoy wonderful Kochi with NIA members.
The event was a great success because members of her project team helped each other and worked spontaneously and flexibly.
It’s effective to learn leadership skills working on a long-term project.

16:45   Timer’s Report & Vote: Every speaker was qualified. 

16:10 Sharing & Intermission

16:20 Evaluation Sessionby General Evaluator: TM Cooley
Evaluator 1: TM Tomonaga
Evaluator 2: Mr. Hashimoto
Evaluator 3: TM Cooley
Evaluator 4: TM S. Nagano
Evaluator 5: TM Tsuchihashi
16:35  Timer’s Report & Vote: Every speaker was qualified.  

16:37 Table Topics Session Table Topics Master: TM Tsuchihashi
During the session, TM Tsuchihashi divided the attendees into five groups.
Pair discussion : Agree & Disagree  3min/each
Topic: 1- A year-end party is waste of time and money
Topic: 2- New Year’s greeting postcard should be banned
Topic: 3- Traditional New Year’s food causes a life-style-related disease

17:07  Timer’s Report & Vote: No vote

17:10  Report
           Ah-Counter, Grammarian, Word Master
           General Evaluator’s Comments

Award Presentation: President Tsuchihashii announced the winners: 
Best FS Speaker: TM Kitaoka, Best Evaluator: S. Nagano, Best TT Speaker: Since there was no voting, no one was selected.

Address by Toastmaster

17:15 Business Session conducted by President: She asked SAA Hashimoto to tell the party venue and SAA Hashimoto explained it.
Secretary Nagano: She asked the FS Speakers to send her a speech summary in a week.
Guest comment by Mr. Ikeda, who said that he would join Kochi TMC in January. 

VPE announced the club-level contest will be held next month and she is collecting both English and Japanese contestants.  Also contest officers will be needed.

Role Assignment for the next regular meeting (January 12th): 
Toastmaster of the Day:  Thought of the Day:  Table Topics Master: 
FS: TM  Komatsu, TM  , TM   TM  , and TM  
Evaluator: TM  , TM  
The rest of the roles will be appointed by VPE.

17:20 Adjourn 

17:45 Beer Party


Kochi Toastmasters Club 151st Regular Meeting Minutes

Kochi Toastmasters Club 151st Regular Meeting Minutes

DATE & TIME: 15:00-17:00, Saturday, November 24, 2018
VENUE: Room A327, Education & Research Building, Eikokuji Campus, Kochi          
             University of Technology / University of Kochi

Attendees: (8/15) TM Tsuchihashi, TM Tomonaga, TM Y. Nagano, TM Hashimoto, TM Shinomiya, TM Hayashi, TM Cooley, and TM S. Nagano,
Guest: Ms. Komatsu (2), and Mr. Ikeda
Absentees: (7) TM Ohtani, TM Adachi, TM Kitaoka, TM Mizobuchi, TM Ando, TM Kunisawa, and TM Nagasaki

15:00 Call to Order by President: President Tsuchihashi called the 151st regular meeting to order.  She introduced guests, Ms. Komatsu, and Mr. Ikeda.  She said to everyone to enjoy this meeting.

15:03 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Hayashi greeted everyone present at the meeting.  He said that he would enjoy this season and colored leaves.

           Word of the Day: Word Master: TM Tomonaga: She chose the word ‘authentic’.
           Introduction of Evaluation Team
                 General Evaluator: TM Y. Shinomiya
                 Timer: TM Tsuchihashi           Vote-Counter: TM Hayashi
                 Ah-Counter: TM Hashimoto    Grammarian: TM Cooley

15:10 【Thought of the Day】: TM Y. Nagano
He talked about Beaujolais Nouveau.  He throws a wine party, tasting  Beaujolais nouveau, every year.  And he recommended every one trying this wine.

15:13 【Formal Speech Session]】
 Speaker 1: TM Cooley
  (Pathways, Innovative Planning, Ice Breaker 4-6 min)
             Title: Final Countdown
An icebreaker speech reflecting on her goals in coming to Japan and what she wants to do in her time remaining in Kochi. 

 Speaker 2: TM Tsuchihashi      
  (Pathways, Motivational Strategies, Evaluation and Feedback 2-2, 5-7 min)
Title: Just One Step at A Time
She found that her speech evaluations were not enough to give fellow members helpful feedback.  And she decided to improve her evaluations step by step.
 Speaker 3: TM S. Nagano      
 (AD #26, Special Occasion Speeches, Project 2, Speaking in Praise, 5-7 min)
             Title: He’s Returned!
She praised a badminton player, Momota Kento, because he started life anew and climbed to the top of the world rankings.  And she looked back on her younger days.

15:43   Timer’s Report & Vote: Every speaker was qualified. 

15:45 【Evaluation Session】by General Evaluator: TM Shinomiya
            Evaluator 1: TM Hashimoto
            Evaluator 2: Mr. Ikeda
            Evaluator 3: TM Y. Nagano
15:57  Timer’s Report & Vote: Every speaker was qualified.  

16:00 Sharing & Intermission

16:10 【Table Topics Session】 Table Topics Master: TM Tomonaga
During the session, TM Tomonaga divided the attendees into three groups.
Debate: Volunteers to help Tokyo Olympic Games for free
A: Team Affirmative- TM Hashimoto(constructive speech)TM S. Nagano(attack against B’s speech)TM Shinomiya(summary)
B: Team Negative- TM Tsuchihashi(constructive speech)TM Y. Nagano(attack against A’s speech)TM Cooley(summary)
C: Team Judge- TM Hayashi, Ms. Komatsu, and Mr. Ikeda
Result: Team A won.

16:48  Report
           Ah-Counter, Grammarian, Word Master
           General Evaluator’s Comments

Award Presentation: President TM Tsuchihashii announced the winners: 
Best FS Speaker: TM Cooley, Best Evaluator: Mr. Ikeda, Best TT Speaker: Since there was no voting, no one was selected.

Address by Toastmaster

16:55 Business Session conducted by President:- She asked SAA Hashimoto to announce the party after COT and SAA Hashimoto explained it.

Role Assignment for the next regular meeting (December 15th): 
Toastmaster of the Day:  Thought of the Day:  Table Topics Master: 
FS: TM Kitaoka, TM Hayashi, TM Nagasaki, TM Shinomiya, and TM Ando
Evaluator: TM Y. Nagano, TM Tsuchihashi
The rest of the roles will be appointed by VPE.

17:00 Adjourn