
Kochi Toastmasters Club 156th Regular Meeting Minutes

Kochi Toastmasters Club 156th Regular Meeting Minutes

DATE & TIME: 15:00-16:32, Saturday, April 20, 2019
VENUE: Room A327, Education & Research Building, Eikokuji Campus, Kochi          
             University of Technology / University of Kochi

Attendees: (7/15) TM Tsuchihashi, TM Nagasaki, TM Kunisawa, TM Hayashi, TM Tomonaga, TM Y. Nagano, and TM S. Nagano,
Absentees: (8/15) TM Hashimoto, TM Mizobuchi, TM Adachi, TM Ando, TM Shinomiya,  TM Kida, TM Kitaoka, and TM Ikeda

15:00 Call to Order by President: President Tsuchihashi called the 156th regular meeting to order.  She announced that TM Tsuchihashi won second place in Division G Speech Contest, Japanese, on 14th of this month.

15:03 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Tomonaga greeted everyone present at the meeting.    
Word of the Day: Word Master: TM Hayashi: He chose the word ‘cordial’.
           Introduction of Evaluation Team by General Evaluator
                 General Evaluator: TM Nagasaki
                 Timer: TM Y. Nagano    Vote-Counter: TM Kunisawa
                 Ah-Counter: TM Y. Nagano     Grammarian: TM Tsuchihashi

15:08 Thought of the Day: TM Hayashi- He said that communication was great.  The other day he talked to his little grandson on the phone for the first time.  After that he somehow felt happy. ”Happiness is nearby”.  Have “the sun” in your mind.

15:11 Formal Speech Session]
 Speaker 1: TM Nagano
 (Pathways, Innovative Planning, ice Breaker, 4-6 min)
Title: I should be aware of warnings
She talked about what she does in her spare time.  After trying to do some activities, she came to recognize that  she should be aware of warnings from her body and her own instincts to prevent her from injuring her body.
 Speaker 2: TM Kunisawa      
  (CC #9, Persuade with Power, 5-7 min)
Title: Increase or Raise 
Her speech was about the club's financial situation.  Kochi Toastmasters Club should take an action against the less club budget.  She thinks increasing the club members or raising the club membership dues would be a solution.

15:30  Timer’s Report & Vote: Speaker 1 was qualified and Speaker 2 was disqualified.  Since there were less than three speakers, the vote was not taken. 

15:32 Evaluation Sessionby General Evaluator: TM Nagasaki
Evaluator 1: TM Tsuchihashi
Evaluator 2: TM Tomonaga
15:39  Timer’s Report & Vote: Every speaker was qualified.  Since there were less than three speakers, the vote was not taken. 

15:40 Sharing & Intermission

15:50 Table Topics Session Table Topics Master: TM Nagasaki
During the session, TM Nagasaki had the participants make speeches.  The list of speakers and topics were as follows.
At first he divided the participants into two groups during Part 1 and Part 2.

Part 1  Quick Speech 
During this part, TM Nagasaki had each participant make four 30-second speeches.  The topics were as follows:
  1  What is your favorite book?
  2  What is the  best movie in the human history?
  3  What is the worst TV program you’ve ever watched?
  4  Tell about your memories of movie theatre? 

Part 2   Chained Story Making
During this part, TM Nagasaki had each group make three chained stories.  The topics were as follows:
  1  Group 1 with a  baby photo
  2  Group 2 with a girl standing by a tank photo
  3  Everyone with a couple photo against sunset

Part 3   Table topics session
During this part, TM Nagasaki had the participants make speeches.  The list of speakers and topics were as follows:

  1   TM Kunisawa- Tell us about the future of books.
  2   TM Tomonaga- Tell us about the future of libraries
  3   TM Hayashi- Will TV be replaced by tablets or smartphones?
  4   TM Y. Nagano- If you are invited to Hollywood to make a movie, what kind of movie would you like to make?
  5   TM S. Nagano- If you are invited to Hollywood as an actress, what kind of heroin would you like to be?
  6   TM Tsuchihashi- If you are asked to write and publish a book, what will the book be like?

16:25  Timer’s Report & Vote: Every speaker was qualified.
16:25  Report
           Ah-Counter, Grammarian, Word Master
           General Evaluator’s Comments

Award Presentation: President Tsuchihashii announced the winner: 
Best TT Speaker: TM S. Nagano

16:28  Business Session conducted by President :
TM Tsuchihashi appointed the nomination committee members, TM Adachi for the Committee chair, TM Kunisawa and TM Ando for the committee members.  
The committee selects candidates to fill officer positions for the coming term.  Any current active member of the club is eligible to run for office and members may run for more than one office. 

Role Assignment for the next regular meeting (May 25): 
Any role was not decided.
The roles will be appointed by VPE.

16:32 Adjourn


Kochi Toastmasters Club 155th Regular Meeting Minutes

Kochi Toastmasters Club 155th Regular Meeting Minutes

DATE & TIME: 15:00-16:45, Saturday, March23, 2019
VENUE: Room A327, Education & Research Building, Eikokuji Campus, Kochi          
             University of Technology / University of Kochi

Attendees: (10/18) TM Tsuchihashi, TM Nagasaki, TM Hashimoto, TM Kunisawa, TM Hayashi, TM Y. Nagano, TM Tomonaga, TM Komatsu, TM Kida, and TM S. Nagano,
Guests: (3) Mr. Ueda and Ms. C. Kitaoka
Absentees: (8/18) TM Ohtani, TM Cooley, TM Mizobuchi, TM Adachi, TM Ando, TM Shinomiya, TM Kitaoka, and TM Ikeda

15:00 Call to Order by President: President Tsuchihashi called the 155th regular meeting to order.  At first, she apologized to everyone for her locking the meeting tools in the locker.  
She reported the result of the Area 72 Speech Contest 2019: TM S. Nagano won third place in English, and TM Tsuchihashi won second place in Japanese and will move on to the Division contest.

15:03 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Tsuchihashi greeted everyone present at the meeting. 
Greeting by two guests
Word of the Day: Word Master: TM Kunisawa: She chose the word ‘come to think of it’.
           Introduction of Evaluation Team
                 General Evaluator: TM Hashimoto
                 Timer: TM Hayashi, TM Kunisawa    Vote-Counter: TM Y. Nagano
                 Ah-Counter: TM Tomonaga     Grammarian: TM Y. Nagano

15:10 Thought of the Day: TM Tomonaga- Spring is the season to encounter and to say good-bye.  Her beloved bird, Pi-chan, passed away this spring at the age of 12 years and 6 months.  Pi-chan had given her family a lot of joy.  She had to accept this sad event.

15:15 Formal Speech Session]
 Speaker 1: TM Komatsu
 (Pathways, Motivational Strategies, Evaluation and Feedback 2-1, 5-7 min)

Title: History of my relations with foreigners
Her relationship with foreign people began when she was an elementary school kid.  She tried to communicate with them and learned a lot from them.  Now she decided to spend a meaningful campus life and to begin to study French.

 Speaker 2: TM S. Nagano      
  (AD 27, Communicating on Video 2,  the Interview Show, 5-7 min.
Title: A Gift from My Experience 
This project was a talk show between TM Y. Nagano, the interviewer, and TM S. Nagano, a popular Japanese language teacher.  He asked her why she became a Japanese language teacher, and how she teaches foreigners Japanese.

Contest speech practice: 土橋      
 (コンテストスピーチ練習,日本語 5-7分)

15:40  Timer’s Report & Vote: Every speaker was qualified.  Since there were less than three speakers(TM Tsuchihashi’s contest speech was not counted as a FS), the vote was not taken. 

15:43 Evaluation Sessionby General Evaluator: TM Hashimoto
Evaluator 1: TM Kunisawa
Evaluator 2: TM Hashimoto
参考論評: TM 友永(日本語)
15:52  Timer’s Report & Vote: Every speaker was qualified.  Since there were less than three speakers, the vote was not taken. 

15:55 Sharing & Intermission

16:05 Table Topics Session Table Topics Master: TM Hayashi
During the session, TM Hayashi had the participants make speeches.  The list of speakers and topics were as follows:

Speaker 1: TM Tsuchihashi- Why Japanese people are proud of their cherry tree coming into bloom first in Japan?
Speaker 2: TM Y. Nagano- Why Japanese people love cherry blossoms?
Speaker 3: TM Tomonaga- Why Japanese people like going on a sakura viewing picnic?
Speaker 4: Mr. Ueda- Which season do you like best?
Speaker 5: TM Kida- what is your memorable event in spring?
Speaker 6: Ms. C. Kitaoka- What color do you like best?
Speaker 7: TM Nagasaki- Should our government spend more money on education?
Speaker 8: TM Kunisawa- Our government plans nursery school and kindergarten’s fees free.  What do you think of that?
Speaker 9: TM S. Nagano- Why do you think Japanese people go to sakura viewing?
Speaker 10: TM Komatsu- What is your memorable school day?
Speaker 11: TM Hashimoto- Why sakura viewing is enjoyable?

16:35  Timer’s Report & Vote: Every speaker was qualified.
16:35  Report
           Ah-Counter, Grammarian, Word Master
           General Evaluator’s Comments

Award Presentation: President Tsuchihashii announced the winner: 
Best TT Speaker: TM Y. Nagano

16:40 Announcement by President: 
Division G Speech Contest is scheduled on April 14 in Kobe. 
Guest Comment

Business Session conducted by President :
Role Assignment for the next regular meeting (April 20): 
Toastmaster of the Day:  Thought of the Day:  TM , Table Topics Master: TM
FS: TM Kitaoka, TM , TM  
Evaluator: TM , TM  
The rest of the roles will be appointed by VPE.

17:45 Adjourn