DATE&TIME:15:00-17:00, Saturday, December 16th, 2023
VENUE: Shimoji Community Center, Kochi city12/16/2023
210th Regular Meeting
DATE&TIME:15:00-17:00, Sunday, November 26th, 2023
VENUE: Shimoji Community Center, Kochi city
15:00 Call to Order: TM Ikeda
15:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Nishida
Word Master: TM Adachi Word of the Day: "adroit"
Introduction of Evaluation Team
General Evaluator: TM Adachi
Timer:TM Ikeda Vote-Counter: TM Nagasaki
Ah-Counter: None Grammarian: None
15:10 【Formal Speech Session】
Speaker 1: TM Yano
(Path: Persuasive Influence, Level 1: Icebreaker, 4 - 6 min.)
Title: Icebreaker
Timer’s Report: TM Ikeda
15:20 【Evaluation Session】
Evaluator 1: TM Nagasaki
Timer’s Report: TM Ikeda
15:30 Intermission
15:40 【TableTopics Session】TableTopics Master : TM Rahman
Timer’s Report TM Ikeda
16:00 【Dialog Session】Dialog Facilitator : TM Ikeda
16:20 【Toastmasters Magazine Session】 Article Reporter : TM Ikeda
16:30【Evaluation Session】General Evaluator: TM Adachi
Report Word Master
General Evaluator’s Comment
16:40 Award Presentation: President
The best table topics speaker: TM Nagasaki
Address by Toastmaster
16:50 Business Session
Role Assignment
Photo Session
17:00 Adjourn
Next Meeting: 15:00-17:00, Saturday, December 16th, 2023
-Progress Report by officers in the Business session *All officers are asked to prepare.
-Bonenkai from 18:00
209th Regular Meeting
DATE&TIME:15:00-17:00, Saturday, October 28th, 2023
VENUE: Shimoji Community Center, Kochi city
15:00 Call to Order by President: TM Amavisca
Introduction of guests: TM Kyoko Ando (Area Director)
Ms. Mella Sarah Elmania
15:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Adachi
Word Master: TM Rahman Word of the Day: obscure
Introduction of Evaluation Team General Evaluator: TM Ando
Timer:TM Yano Vote-Counter: TM Nishida
15:10 【Formal Speech Session】
Speaker 1: TM Nagasaki
(Path: Effective Coaching, Level 1: Researching and presenting, 5 - 7 min.)
Title: Football Fan
Speaker 2: TM Amavisca
(Path: Visionary Communication, Level 2: Introduction to TM Mentoring, 5 - 7 min.)
Title: Steven
Timer’s Report: TM Yano
15:30 【Evaluation Session】
Evaluator 1: TM Rahman
Evaluator 2: TM Tsuchihashi
Timer’s Report: TM Yano
15:40 Intermission
15:50 【TableTopics Session】TableTopics Master : TM Nishida
Timer’s Report TM Yano
16:10 【Dialog Session】Dialog Facilitator : TM Tsuchihashi
16:40【Evaluation Session】General Evaluator: TM Ando
Report Word Master
General Evaluator’s Comment
16:50 Award Presentation: President
Best Table Topic Speaker: TM Adachi
Address by Toastmaster
16:55 Business Session
Photo Session
17:00 Adjourn
206th Regular Meeting
DATE&TIME:15:00-17:00, Saturday, July 15th, 2023
VENUE: Shimoji Community Center, Kochi city
15:00 New Officer Installation Ceremony: TM Nagasaki
15:15 Call to Order by President: TM Amavisca
15:18 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Rahman Introduction of the guest: Ms. Miyo Yano
Word Master: TM Nagasaki
Word of the Day: "call it a day"
Introduction of Evaluation Team General Evaluator: TM Nagasaki
Timer:TM Nishida Vote-Counter:TM Adachi
15:25 【Formal Speech Session】 Speaker 1: TM Ikeda
(Path: Persuasive Influence, Level 3:, 5 - 7 min.)
Title: After a rain, the ground hardens.
Speaker 2: TM Amavisca
(Path: Visionary Communication, Level 2: Understanding Your Communication Style, 5 - 7 min.)
Title: The Man with the Silver Tongue Timer’s Report: TM Nishida
15:45 【Evaluation Session】 Evaluator 1: TM Adachi
Evaluator 2: TM Tsuchihashi
Timer’s Report: TM Nishida
15:55 Sharing and Intermission
16:05 【TableTopics Session】TableTopics Master : TM Tsuchihashi
Timer’s Report TM Nishida
16:25 Voting ( TableTopics )
16:30【Evaluation Session】General Evaluator: TM Nagasaki
Report Word Master
General Evaluator’s Comment
16:40 Award Presentation: President
Best Table Topics Speaker: TM Nishida
Address by Toastmaster
Photo Session
16:45 Business Session
-About Area Joint Meeting: TM Amavisca
-Meeting Schedule: TM Ikeda
-Assignment of Next Meeting: TM Ikeda
17:00 Adjourn
18:00 Beer Party
Venue: Yasu Nigo-ten (1-4-8, Otesuji, Kochi-shi)
205th Regular Meeting
DATE&TIME:15:00-17:00, Saturday, June 17th, 2023
VENUE: Shimoji Community Center, Kochi city
15:00 Call to Order by President
15:03 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Tsuchihashi
Introduction of the guests: Ms. Emiri Matsufuji & Murakami Teruya (Mizuho TMC)
Word Master: TM Tsuchihashi
Word of the Day: "naturally"
Thought of the Day (about 2 min): everyone
Introduction of Evaluation Team
General Evaluator: TM Adachi
Timer:TM Nagasaki. Vote-Counter: TM Nagasaki
15:25 【Formal Speech Session】
Speaker 1: TM Amavisca
(Path: Visionary Communication, Level 2: Leadership Style, 5 - 7 min.)
Title: Unique Needs
Speaker 2: TM Ikeda
(Path: Persuasive Influence, Level 3: Inspire Your Audience , 5 - 7 min.)
Title: Break the Bondage of Busyness
Timer’s Report: TM Nagasaki
15:40 【Evaluation Session】
Evaluator 1: TM Saqif
Evaluator 2: TM Nishida
( Path: Persuasive Influence, Level 1 : Evaluation and Feedback, 2 – 3 min )
Evaluator 3: TM Adachi ( evaluation for TM Nishida’s evaluation )
Timer’s Report: TM Nagasaki
15:55 Sharing and Intermission
16:05 【Table Topics Session】Table Topics Master : TM Nagasaki
Timer’s Report TM Nagasaki
16:25 Voting ( table topics )
16:30【Evaluation Session】General Evaluator: TM Adachi
Report Word Master
General Evaluator’s Comment
16:40 Award Presentation: President
Address by Toastmaster
Photo Session
Election: New Officers for 2023-2024
President Amavisca
VPE Ikeda
VPM Tsuchihashi
VPPR Nishida
Treasurer Adachi
Secretary & ICT Nagasaki
Sgt. at Arms Saqif
IPP Nagasaki
Business Session:Assignment of next meeting
200th Regular Meeting & Celebration
DATE&TIME:15:00-17:00, Saturday, January 21, 2023
VENUE: 1) Kochi-shi Shimoji Community Center [ Futaba-cho 10-7 Kochi ]
2) Zoom
15:00 Call to Order by President
Guest: Ms. Sien Ou
15:05 Greeting by Toastmaster : TM Kunisawa
Congratulatory address by AD Tamura,
club representatives from Tokushima TMC Takako Yamada
Imabari TMC Shinzo Abe
Matsuyama TMC Ike Yamamura
Introduction of Evaluation Team
General Evaluator: TM Yoshikawa
Timer: TM Rahman Vote-Counter: TM Nagasaki
15:20【Prepared Speech Session】
Speaker 1: TM Nishida
(Path: Persuasive influence, Level 1, , 5-7 min )
Title: Taken to school by children
Speaker 2: TM Amavisca
(Path:Visionary Communication, Level 1 “Writing a Speech with Purpose”, 5-7min )
Title: What Life Has Taught Me ( So Far…)
Speaker 3: TM Ikeda
(Path: Persuasive Influence, Level 3, “Using Descriptive Language”, 5-7 min )
Title: Beyond the Horizon
Speaker 4: TM Tsuchihashi
(Path: Engaging Humor, Level 2 “Effective Body Language”, 5-7min)
Title: Something is Missing
Timer’s Report: TM Rahman
15:57 Intermission
16:10 【Evaluation Session1】 General Evaluator
Evaluator 1: TM Adachi
Evaluator 2: TM Otani
Evaluator 3: TM Tomonaga
Evaluator 4: TM Matsuoka
Timer’s Report: TM Rahman
16:25【Table Topics Session】Table Topics Master: TM Nagasaki
Timer’s Report & Vote : TM Rahman & TM Nagasaki
16:50 Report: General Evaluator: TM Yoshikawa
General Evaluator’s Comment
16:53 Award Presentation: President
Best prepared speaker :TM Amaviska
Best evaluator :TM Otani
Best table topic speaker :TM Kunisawa
Address by Toastmaster
Comments by AD Tamura
Closing Address by President
Photo Session
17:07 Adjourn
18:00 – 20:00 Okyaku Party
Venue: Kojiya, Kochi city