
39th Regular Meeting

【Date】 19:00 - 21:00, Monday, May 25, 2009
【Venue】Presentation Room,Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education, Kochi University

19:00 Call to Order President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM Nagano
19:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Minami
19:30 【Current Topic Session】 "Kochi is No.1" TM Nagasaki
* We would like to talk about good things and bad things about Kochi.

19:50 Intermission

20:00 【Formal Speech Session】

◆Speaker 1 TM Kago (CC Project 3: Get to the Point)
Title: Are you living with pets?
◆Speaker 2 TM Sasaoka (CC Project 9: Persuade with power)
Title: Yosakoi
◆Speaker 3 TM Ando (CC Project 1: Ice Breaker)

20:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Taniguchi

◆Evaluator 1 TM Hiromatsu
◆Evaluator 2 TM Hayashi
◆Evaluator 3 TM Nagano

◆Timer:TM Minami
◆Grammarian: Hayashi TM Word of the day: "useful"
◆General Evaluator's Report

20:50 Business Session
21:00 Adjourn President