VENUE: Dai 1 Kensyushitu, Sole, 3-115 Asahi-machi,
Kochi City
14:00 Call to Order by
Ms. Hiroko Miyoshi, Ms. Risa Hayashi
14:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Hayashi
Word of the Day: Word
Master TM Ando
Introduction of
Evaluation Team by General Evaluator
General Evaluator : TM
Timer & Record
Keeper : TM Tomonaga
Ah-Counter : TM
Grammarian: TM
14:15 【Tall Tales Contest (In-house
Contest) 】
Contest Chair: TM Nagano
TM Hayashi "Chinese"
TM Tsuchihashi "MRI"
TM Tomonaga
15:05 Intermission
15:15 【Formal Speech Session】
Speaker 1: TM Yoshimoto
(CC #3, Get to the Point, 5-7 min)
Title: “walk, don’t run”
Title: "JNR4”
Title: ”O・N・E・E man”
15:45 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator
Evaluator 1: TM Adachi
Evaluator 2: TM Tomii
Evaluator 3: TM Nagasaki
Timer, Ah-Counter, Grammarian and Word Master
General Evaluator’s Comment
Address by Toastmaster
15:55 Award Presentation
1st Prize TM Adachi "New Rental System"
2nd Prize TM Kitaoka "The Olympic Presentation"
3rd Prize TM Hiromatsu "My Previous Job"
And congratulations for all members!
Business Session
16:00 Adjourn President