
106th Regular Meeting

DATE:   Mon, Feb 23, 2015
VENUE: Kenshyushitsu B, 5F, Kochi Kenritsu Fukushi Kouryu Plaza

19:00 Call to Order by President
Introduction of the Guests Mr. Hiroshi Yamamoto
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Fukuda
Word of the Day: Word Master: TM Sawada
Introduction of Evaluation Team by General Evaluator
General Evaluator TM Nagano
Timer & Record Keeper: TM Kunisawa
 Ah-Counter: TM Rai
 Grammarian: TM Yoshimoto
19:15 Formal Speech Session
Speaker 1:  TM Kumon (CC #1, The Ice Breaker, 4-6 min.)

Speaker 2:  TM Hayashi (AC #10, Specialty Speeches, Uplift the Spirit, 8-10min)
Title:Have Play in the Mind

1935 Evaluation Session General Evaluator
Evaluator 1: TM Okuda
Evaluator 2: TM Tuchihashi
Timer, Ah-Counter, Grammarian and Word Master
General Evaluator’s Comment
 Address by Toastmaster
1950 Intermission
20:00 In-house Speech Contest
Contest Chair: TM Yoshimoto
Contestants (Listed alphabetically by family name)
(    ) TM Adachi
(    ) TM Wong
(    )  TM Yamanaka
(     )  TM Hashimoto
Contest Staff:
Chief JudgeTM Tomonaga
Tally CounterTM Okuda TM Tomii 
Timers: TM Kunisawa TM Sawada

2050 Award Presentation

2055 Business Session

2100 Adjourn President