Members hold VPE's Annual Awards with Pride!
DATE&TIME:15:00-17:10, Saturday, December 11, 2021
VENUE: Kochi-shi Shimoji Community Center AND Online [Zoom]
Kouchi-shi Futaba-cho 10-7
15:00 Call to Order by President
Introduction of the guests: Alex
15:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Ikeda
Word Master: TM Nagasaki
Word of the Day: exceptional(ly)
Introduction of Evaluation Team
General Evaluator: TM Tomonaga
Timer:TM Adachi Vote-Counter: TM Nagasaki
Ah-Counter: None Grammarian: TM Nagasaki
15:12 【Fun Session】 TMOD TM Ikeda
Tell us about the funniest story you’ve come up with / you know.
(Each member makes a 2-3 minutes speech.)
Timer’s Report & Vote TM Adachi
15:45 【Prepared Speech Session】
Speaker 1: TM Kitaoka Report of Work , (5-7 min.)

Title: "My clinical research”
Timer’s Report: TM Adachi
15:55 Intermission
16:05 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Tomonaga
Evaluator 1: TM Tsuchihashi
Timer’s Report: TM Adachi
16:10 【Table Topics Session】Table Topics Master TM Kunisawa
Shiritori Table Topics
Timer’s Report & Vote TM Adachi
16:30 Report General Evaluator: TM Tomonaga
Ah-Counter, Grammarian, Word Master (Most frequent User: TM Kunisawa & Ikeda)
General Evaluator’s Comment
16:40 Award Presentation:
-Today's Presidential Award
Fun Session: Alex & TM Nagasaki
Table Topics: Alex
-VPE's Annual Award
Awards are given to ALL members and guests
Guest’s Comment
Address by Toastmaster
Assignment of next meeting
Photo Session
17:00 Adjourn by President
-TM Otani's first attendance as a member. Congratulations!
-Today's guest, Alex said he decided to join the club!!
Welcome to Kochi Toastmasters Club, Alex.