
The new member of our Toastmasters Club!

We have a new member joining our club, Miss Piper O’Dowd. We are looking foward to your speech and hope to get you know you better!

Also we' re always looking for new members, everyone is welcome! Join us!!!


Agenda: 129th Regular Meeting (2017/1/23)

DATE&TIME: 19:00-21:00, Monday, January 23, 2017
VENUE: Room 2, Sogo-Kenkyu Building, Kochi University

*Be sure to bring your leadership manual

19:00  Call to Order by President
           Introduction of the Guests

19:03  Greeting by Toastmaster:    TM Adachi
           Word of the Day: Word Master: TM Y. Nagano
           Introduction of Evaluation Team
             General Evaluator: TM Wong
                 Timer: TM  Hayashi  Vote-Counter: TM Miyoshi
                 Ah-Counter:              Grammarian: TM Kunisawa

19:10  【Table Topics Session】  Table Topics Master: TM O'dowd
19:28    Timer’s Report & Vote

19:30   Intermission

19:40 【Formal Speech Session】
   Speaker 1: TM Hashimoto
     (AD #1, The entertaining speech, 5-7 min)
     Title: My prayer
   Speaker 2: TM Y. Nagano
      (CC #3, Get to the Point, 5-7 min) 
     Title: Just Stand by
   Speaker 3: TM Shinomiya
     (AD #1,Story telling, The Folk Tale, 7-10 min)
     Title: The Little Fox, Gon
   Speaker 4: TM S. Nagano
     (AD #4, A Fact Finding Report, 5-7 min, Q & A Session: 3 min)
     Title: Winner or Loser?     

20:15  Timer’s Report & Vote

20:20 【Evaluation Session】   General Evaluator
    Evaluator 1: TM  Tsuchihashi
    Evaluator 2: TM  Sawada
    Evaluator 3: TM  Cooley
    Evaluator 4: TM  Nagasaki

20:30  Timer’s Report & Vote

20:30  Reports 
    Ah-Counter, Grammarian, Word Master
    General Evaluator’s Comments
20:40    Address by Toastmaster
20:42   Award Presentation      President: TM Nagano
20:45  Business Session
             1  Club Officers
             2  Role assignment
             3  Area Contest Meeting 
21:00  Adjourn


Kochi Toastmasters Club 127th Regular Meeting Minutes

Kochi Toastmasters Club 127th Regular Meeting Minutes
Date: November 28th  2016
Location: Kochi University Asakura Campus
Attendees: TM Nagasaki, TM Kunisawa, TM Sachi Nagano, TM Tomonaga, TM Hayashi, TM Shinomiya, TM Miyoshi, TM Sawada, TM Yoichi Nagano and TM Cooley
Guests: Ms. Piper O’Dowd(3), Mr. Okazaki(1)
Absentees: TM Kitaoka, TM Tsuchihashi, TM Hashimoto, TM Wong, TM Rai, TM Machida, TM Kamisaka, TM Adachi, and TM Kumon
       19:00; Call to Order and Opening Remarks by President TM Sachi  Nagano:
I`d like to call the 125th Regular Meeting to order. I`d also like to introduce our 2 guests, Piper O’Dowd and Mr. Okazaki as well as our toastmaster for this meeting, TM Sawada.
       Introduction of Guests: Piper and Mr. Okazaki made slight bows.
       19:03; Greetings By the Toastmaster of the meeting, TM Sawada:
Welcome to the meeting. I hope you will enjoy the meeting by participating. The meeting has three parts: Table Topics, formal speeches and evaluation.
       Word of the Day by TM Sachi Nagano: TM Sachi Nagano introduced the word `mesmerize`. It is a verb meaning to capture the complete attention of someone.
       Introduction of the Evaluation Team by TM Kunisawa:
-Timer: TM Miyoshi
-Vote Counter: TM Shinomiya
-Ah Counter: TM Shinomiya
-Grammarian: TM Piper
       19:10; Table Topics Session presided by TM S. Nagano: TM S. Nagano encouraged the participants to remember to use “mesmerize” in their speech. The speakers were to find and tell good  points of a person or a thing.
TM Y. Nagano found good points of US President elect, Donald Trump, Piper found good points of Ryoma Passport, TM Hayashi found good points of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, TM Sawada found good points of forgetfulness, TM Shinomiya found good points of an aging society, TM Kunisawa found good points of US President candidate, Hilary Clinton, TM Miyoshi found good points of a New Year’s eve, and TM Nagasaki found good points of a small-number-attendees meeting.
19:45; Formal Speech Session presided by TM Sawada:
-TM Cooley did her 9th speech titled “Skin Deep”, Persuade with Power, in the Competent Communicator Manual. The speech objectives were;
  To sell your audience on a thing, an idea, a concept, or an opportunity
  At the end of your speech, ask for a sign from your audience that they are sold.
This speech was about how people with tattoos, especially from foreign countries, often get them for reasons that are highly personal and not related to being a criminal. You don’t have to like tattoos, and I don’t feel it is necessary to change laws regarding them, but please give people themselves through actions, not appearance.
-TM Tomonaga gave a speech titled “It is good to be bilingual” from the Advanced Manual on Technical Briefing #6 .
Being bilingual seems to be a good thing. Bilingual people can interact with foreign people seamlessly in other country. In addition, a recent study showed that being bilingual is good for our health, especially for brain heath, Let’s keep learning foreign language and maintaining our mental health.
20:00; Evaluation Session presided by TM Kunisawa:
-Evaluator for TM Cooley: TM Nagasaki
-Evaluator for TM Tomonaga: TM Y. Nagano
       20:10, Evaluation Team Reports:
-Ah Counter` Report: TM Shinomiya
-Grammarian`s Report: Piper
-Word Master`s Report: TM S. Nagano
-General Evaluator`s Report: TM Kunisawa
       20:20; Sharing and Awards (Given by TM S. Nagano):
-TM Y. Nagano won the “Best Table Topics Award”.
       20:30; Business Session presided by TM Nagasaki:
The following roles were decided for the next meeting:
-Toastmaster of the meeting: TM Nagasaki
-Word Master: TM Piper
-General Evaluator: TM Tomonaga
-Timer: TM Hashimoto
-Table Topics Master: TM Y. Nagano
-Vote Counter: TM Shinomiya
-Ah Counter: TM Miyoshi
-Grammarian: TM Wong
-Formal Speech: TM Tsuchihashi, TM Kitaoka, TM Kunisawa, and TM Piper O’Dowd
-Speech Evaluators: TM S. Nagano, TM Hayashi, and TM Cooley, and TM Adachi
      20:50; Additional Table Topics Session: Find good points of the person next seat.

       21:00; Meeting Adjourned


Agenda: 128th Regular Meeting (2016.12.17)

DATE&TIME: 15:00-17:00, Saturday, December 17, 2016
VENUE: Room A326, Education & Research Building, Eikokuji Campus, Kochi University of Technology / University of Kochi

*Be sure to bring your leadership manual

15:00  Call to Order by President
           Introduction of the Guests

15:03  New Member Induction Ceremony

15:10  Greeting by Toastmaster:    TM Nagasaki
           Word of the Day: Word Master: TM Piper
           Introduction of Evaluation Team
             General Evaluator: TM Tomonaga
                 Timer: TM Hashimoto             Vote-Counter: TM Shinomiya
                 Ah-Counter: TM Miyoshi         Grammarian: TM Wong

15:20  【Table Topics Session】  Table Topics Master: TM Y. Nagano
            *Timer’s Report & Vote

15:40  Intermission

15:50 【Formal Speech Session】
   Speaker 1: TM Piper
     (CC #1 , Ice Breaker, 4-6 min)
     Title: How on Earth did I get here?
   Speaker 2: TM Kunisawa
      (CC #6, Vocal Variety, 5-7 min)
     Title: Slow and steady wins the race
   Speaker 3: TM Tsuchihashi
  (AD #7, The Entertaining Speaker #2 Resources for Entertainment, 5-7min)
  Title: Kometsukibatta
   Speaker 4: TM Kitaoka
      (AD #5, Speeches by Management, 10-12 min)
     Title: Clinical results of our surgeries for the hallux valgus
      *Timer’s Report & Vote

16:30 【Evaluation Session】   General Evaluator
    Evaluator 1: TM  Adachi
    Evaluator 2: TM  Cooley
    Evaluator 3: TM Hayashi
    Evaluator 4: TM S. Nagano

   *Timer’s Report & Vote

16:45 Report
    Ah-Counter, Grammarian, Word Master
    General Evaluator’s Comments
    Address by Toastmaster
16:50  Award Presentation      President: TM Nagano
16:55 Business Session 
17:00  Adjourn

17:40  Year-End Party   Kazemachi Shokado https://www.hotpepper.jp/strJ000725467/

Project Objectives:

Speaker 1
-To begin speaking before an audience.
-To discover speaking skills you already have and skills that need some attention 

Speaker 2
-Use voice  volume, pitch, rate, and quality to reflect and add meaning and interest to your message.
-Use pauses to enhance your message.
-Use vocal variety smoothly and naturally

Speaker 3 
-Draw entertaining material from sources other than your own personal experience.
-Adapt your material to suit your topic, your own personality, and the audience.

Speaker 4


リレーエッセイ I ♥ Toastmasters 「いやぁ、スピーチって本当にいいものですね~」




(土橋 愛)



リレーエッセイ I ♥ Toastmasters 「学び続けたいと思わせてくれた」

私にとってToastmasters Clubは、やっと見つけた、生涯学び続けられる場です。





Toastmasters clubは、ちょっと知的な、大人の学びの場といった感じです。たくさんスピーチもしたし、様々な経験をさせてもらいました。でも、まだ完結していません。きっとこれからもスピーチ原稿とのにらめっこが続くはずです。



次の執筆者には、 Area Director土橋愛さんを指名します。愛ちゃんよろしく。


リレーエッセイ I ♥ Toastmasters "Fantastic!"

 “Toastmasters is a fantastic club!” I thought so when I attended the 2014 Toastmasters international convention in Kuala Lumpur half a year after I joined the club. Two or three thousand Toastmasters from many countries got together and appreciated listening to fascinating world-class speeches. It was absolutely an exciting moment of truth.
   The 2014 Kuala Lumpur convention, including the then world champion of public speaking, Dananjaya Hettiarachchi (He is supposed to give a keynote speech in this coming Fall Conference in Hiroshima) and many memorable experiences with my fellow members of and out of the Kochi club, has been the catalyst that drives me to stay in toastmasters.

(Kazuyo Kunisawa)

I would like to hand the baton to TM Nagasaki.


Agenda: 127th Regular Meeting (2016.11.28)

DATE&TIME: 19:00-21:00, Monday, November 28, 2016
VENUE: Room 2, Sogo-Kenkyu Building, Kochi University

*Be sure to bring your leadership manual

19:00  Call to Order by President
           Introduction of the Guests

19:03  Greeting by Toastmaster:    TM Sawada
           Word of the Day: Word Master: TM Nagano
           Introduction of Evaluation Team
             General Evaluator: TM Kunisawa
                 Timer: TM Miyoshi                Vote-Counter: TM Shinomiya
                 Ah-Counter: TM Shinomiya       Grammarian: TM Piper

19:10  【Table Topics Session】  Table Topics Master: TM S. Nagano
            *Timer’s Report & Vote

19:30  Intermission

19:40 【Formal Speech Session】
   Speaker 1: TM Cooley
     (CC #9 , Persuade with Power, 5-7 min)
     Title: Skin Deep
   Speaker 2: TM Tomonaga
      (AD #6)The Technical Briefing
     Title:It is good to be bilingual

      *Timer’s Report & Vote

20:10 【Evaluation Session】   General Evaluator
    Evaluator 1: TM  Nagasaki
    Evaluator 2: TM  Y. Nagano

   *Timer’s Report & Vote

20:35 Report
    Ah-Counter, Grammarian, Word Master
    General Evaluator’s Comments
    Sharing (5 min)
    Address by Toastmaster
20:45  Award Presentation      President: TM Nagano
20: 50 Business Session
21:00  Adjourn


リレーエッセイ I ♥ Toastmasters  "Why I joined Toastmasters"

To me, “Why did you join Toastmasters?” is a very interesting question which everyone answers differently. Many people join Toastmasters to become better speakers of English, but as someone who speaks English as a first language, I find myself excluded from this group. I would say that while I am a native speaker of English, I am not a native speaker of public speaking.

Giving speeches is like learning a completely different language. There are rules and structures that you must abide by when giving a speech that in daily conversation come off as just awkward or presumptuous. So first and foremost, I joined Toastmasters to try to become fluent at public speaking. After 3 years, I am still not quite there yet, but I continue growing as a speaker which is something that drives me to keep pushing myself to be better.

Secondly, I love creative writing, and strangely enough giving speeches presents me with this opportunity. When you give a speech, you should be excited and looking forward to people hearing what you have to say. Therefore, it is important to make a speech that is both personal and personalized that allows you to share an experience with your audience. If you give a speech that is dry and boring, it won`t be a good speech.

Lastly and most importantly, I joined Toastmasters to rid myself of my phobia of speaking in front of an audience. Ever since I was young, speaking in front of an audience, big or small, made me nervous. I would start fidgeting, stuttering and even sweating profusely as I tried to get my nerves under control. While I am still not an expert in this department, I have gotten better at it with each speech I give in Toastmasters.

That concludes my story. One of many that started by answering the simple question “Why Toastmasters?”So what are you waiting for? Ask yourself the question “Why Toastmasters?” and see where it takes you.
(Jeffery Wong)
 I nominate TM Kunisawa to write next.


リレーエッセイ I ♥ Toastmasters 「無鉄砲さと英語」

(Kazuo Hayashi)
次の書き手をTM Jeffrey Wong にお願いしたいと思います。


リレーエッセイ I ♥ Toastmasters 「Falling in love with… 」

When I gave a formal speech for the first time in Kochi Toastmasters Club, everyone in the room listened to me intently. The evaluator for my speech complimented me on the speech and gave me sound advice. That was the moment when I fell in love with Toastmasters.

(Sachi Nagano)


Mr. Sergeant at Arms, HAYASHI will you be the next writer, please?


リレーエッセイ I ♥ Toastmasters         「きっかけは高知新聞夕刊でした!」

高知新聞の夕刊 「仲間にどうぞ」の記事が目にとまりました。

さて 次のリレーエッセイは



The Area Contest in Imabari

The Area Contest was held in Imabari on 2nd October 2016.

TM Jessica Cooley made an attractive speech in the English table topics speech contest!It was really impressive!! We are very proud that you made such wonderful speeches.

TM Sachi Nagano won the first prize in the Japanese table topics speech contest! She will be the representative of Area 72 in the Division Contest in Kobe. Congratulations!!


Kochi Toastmasters Club 125th Regular Meeting Minutes

Kochi Toastmasters Club 125th Regular Meeting Minutes
Date: September 24th  2016
Location: Kochi University of Technology (KUT), Eikokuji Campus
Attendees: TM Nagasaki, TM Kunisawa, TM Sachi Nagano, TM Kitaoka, TM Tomonaga, TM Adachi, TM Hayashi, TM Hashimoto, TM Shinomiya, TM Wong, TM Kamisaka, TM Miyoshi and TM Cooley
Absentees: TM Ando, TM Tomii, TM Yoshimoto, TM Fukuda, TM Sawada, TM Rai, TM Tsuchihashi, TM Machida, TM Youichi Nagano and TM Kumon
       15:00; Call to Order and Opening Remarks by President TM Sachi  Nagano:
I`d like to call the 125th Regular Meeting to order. I`d also like to introduce our 2 guests, Aya Mitsui and Piper O`Dowd as well as our toastmaster for this meeting, TM Kunisawa.
       Introduction of Guests: Piper and Aya introduced themselves.
       15:03; Greetings By the Toastmaster of the meeting, TM Kunisawa:
Welcome to the meeting. I am very happy. There are two announcements. One, TM Sawada is not here so TM Nagasaki is now the vote counter. Two, we will use a new procedure for the Timer`s report: In each speech session whether it is Table Topics, Formal Speeches or Evaluation, the speakers will give their speeches first, afterwards the Timer will give their report indicating whether or not the speech  has qualified, finally there will be the voting session for people to vote for which qualified speech they liked best. Also, TM Nagasaki would like to mention that he has made a formal speech planning sheet and a role sheet to help us make Business Sessions run more smoothly. I hope you will enjoy the meeting by participating. The meeting has three parts: Table Topics, formal speeches and evaluation.
       Word of the Day by TM Sachi Nagano: TM Sachi Nagano introduced the word `content`. It is an adjective that means being happy enough, but not satisfied.
       Introduction of the Evaluation Team by TM Hayashi:
-Timer: TM Miyoshi
-Vote Counter: TM Nagasaki
-Ah Counter: TM Wong
-Grammarian: TM Adachi
       15:10; Table Topics Session presided by TM Shinomiya: TM Shinoniya wanted to prepare TM Cooley and TM Sachi Nagano for the upcoming Table Topics Contest in Imabari by asking them interesting questions that would require them to work their brains. She also asked other members as well. Some examples of questions she asked include “Ten years from now what will you do”?, “If a humanoid robot showed up at your house, how would you use it”?, “If you had a universal translator whose voice would you like to hear translate”?, and “If you had to present something at an exhibition in 2116, what would it be”?. 
       15:40; Formal Speech Session presided by TM Kunisawa:
-TM Cooley did her 8th speech in the Competent Communicator Manual. The goal was to get comfortable using visual aids. Her speech was about working in customer service. She started her speech by explaining a strange case in which a student got lost trying to get to the museum she worked at. She showed us a map showing us exactly how far the student was from the museum. She then went on to explain how despite having studied in anthropology, she was not able to find work in her field and instead navigated the perilous confines of the customer service industry having worked at a children`s and arts museum as well as an expensive cosmetics company that sold cosmetics that don`t even work. She used pictures to help illustrate her points. Overall, she has had many experiences good and bad and learned many things. She feels that she likes helping people and values kindness above all else.

-TM Nagasaki gave a speech from the Successful Club Series on Moments of Truth. He started by saying that “We have to work hard to make our club great. We need to be in good standing and have a healthy club”. He explained how Moments of Truth are a way to help make our club better. There are 6 Moments of Truth:
-First Impressions
-Membership Orientation
-Fellowship, Variety and Communication
-Program Planning and Meeting Organization
-Membership Strength
-Achievement Recognition
After finishing his explanation, he then had members get into groups to evaluate our club based on these Moments of Truth and discuss ways to improve in the areas where we are lacking.

16:20; Evaluation Session presided by TM Hayashi:
-Evaluator for TM Cooley: TM Kamisaka
-Evaluator for TM Nagasaki: TM Tomonaga
       16:25, Evaluation Team Reports:
-Ah Counter` Report: TM Wong
-Grammarian`s Report: TM Adachi
-Word Master`s Report: TM Sachi Nagano
-General Evaluator`s Report: TM Hayashi
       16:25; Sharing and Awards (Given by TM Nagasaki):
-TM Cooley and TM Kitaoka won the “Best Table Topics Award”.
       16:40; Business Session presided by TM Nagasaki:
The following roles were decided for the next meeting:
-Toastmaster of the meeting: TM Wong
-Word Master: TM Hayashi
-General Evaluator: TM Tsuchihashi
-Timer: TM Rai
-Table Topics Master: TM Tomonaga
-Vote Counter: TM Hashimoto
-Ah Counter: TM Kunisawawa
-Grammarian: TM Cooley
-Formal Speech: TM Miyoshi, TM Adachi and TM Sachi Nagano
-Speech Evaluators: TM Kunisawa, TM Sawada and TM Shinomiya

       17:00; Meeting Adjourned


リーフレット"Kochi Toastmasters Club is waiting for you"を掲載しました。

クラブ案内リーフレット "Kochi Toastmasters Club is waiting for you"を掲載しました。例会の開催日時などが掲載されています。ご覧下さい。

リレー・エッセイ " I ❤️ Toastmasters" を始めます

クラブのメンバーが、Toastmastersの魅力を語る リレー・エッセイ " I ❤️ Toastmasters"を始めます。お楽しみに!

Kochi Toastmasters Club 124th Regular Meeting: pic

Hello! I'll share this photo from Kochi Toastmasters Club 124th Regular Meeting. As you can see from the picture, the meeting was fantastic!
I'm looking forward to the next meeting too! :)


Kochi Toastmasters Club 124th Regular Meeting Minutes

Date: August 22nd, 2016
Location: Kochi University, Asakura Campus
Attendees: TM Shinomiya, TM Nagasaki, TM Sachi Nagano, TM Hayashi, TM Tomonaga, TM Tsuchihashi, TM Hashimoto, TM Adachi, TM Kunisawa, TM Rai, TM Cooley, TM Kamisaka, and TM Yoichi Nagano
Absentees: TM Kitaoka, TM Ando, TM Tomii, TM Yoshimoto, TM wong, TM Fukuda, TM Sawada, TM Machida, TM Kumon, and TM Miyoshi
       19:00; Call to Order and Opening Remarks by President TM S. Nagano: TM Tsuchihashi served as one of facilitators of the Club Officer Training on July 31 in Hiroshima as Area 72 Director.
       19:03; Greetings By the Toastmaster of the day, TM Tsuchihashi: We expect many sessions today and time is limited. So I hope the smooth running of the meeting.
       Introduction of the Evaluation Team by TM Tomonaga:
-Timer: TM Adachi, TM Rai
-Vote Counter: TM Shinomiya
-Ah Counter: TM Cooley
-Grammarian: Kunisawa
       19:10; Formal Speech Session presided by TM Tsuchihashi:
-TM Yochi Nagano gave his 2nd speech ”My Soul Food”  in the CC manual #2 ”Organize Your Speech”. Kochi residents eat a lot of bonito with various ways, but don’t familiar with soup from dried bonito and use less in general. I think this is odd. So I want to know the reasons. Why? I try to figure out an answer to the question from the historic point of view.
-TM Kamisaka did her 4th Speech “My job Hunting” in the CC Manual #4 “How to Say It” I failed job interviews so many times because I suffered from social anxiety. So once I lost my confidence completely however, in the end I met a fateful company thanks to many people's support. I had to overcome many ordeals but I've grown as a person while job hunting. 
-TM Hashimoto gave her 1st speech “My Prayer” in the AC Manual “The Entertaining Speach”. My experience that I did hand copying Sutra at The Moss Temple in Kyoto. Compared with other people’s, my prayer was too greedy.
       18:25; Evaluation Session presided by TM Tomonaga:
-Evaluator for TM Y. Nagano: TM Nagasaki
-Evaluator for TM Kamisaka: TM Rai
-Evaluator for TM Hashimoto: TM Cooley
       18:40, Evaluation Team Reports:
-Timer`s Report: TM Adachi
-Ah Counter` Report: TM Cooley
-Grammarian`s Report: TM Kunisawa
-General Evaluator`s Report: TM Tomonaga
       19:45; Sharing
       19:55; Table Topics Contest
Contest Chair & Topics Master: TM Tsuchihashi
       1) Preliminary Session (3 groups)
Topic1: Who is the strongest person you know?
Topic2: What is your greatest skill?
Topic 3: What is your happiest memory?
Topic 4: What is your biggest reglet?
       2) Final
Topic: Who do you love most about yourself?
       20:35; Business Session presided by TM Nagasaki:
1)  Officers
-President: Nothing
-Secretary: Sought approval for the July minutes. Minutes was approved.
VPM: Making invitation filer now.
VPPR: Nothing
Treasure: Sought approval for the budget and raise the dues from ¥6,000 to ¥7,200 per half a year.  Both were approved. Asked for paying dues.
SAA: We have meeting 8 times at Asakura and four at Eikokuji.
2)  Next Regular Meeting
The following roles were decided for the next meeting:
-Toastmaster of the meeting: TM Kunisawa
-Word Master: TM Sachi Nagano
-General Evaluator: TM Hayashi
-Table Topics Master: TM Shinomiya
-Vote Counter: TM Sawada
-Ah Counter: TM Wong
-Grammarian: TM
-FS 1: TM Cooley
-FS2: TM Nagasaki (Best Speaker Series)
-Evaluator: for TM Cooley: TM Kamisaka
        Awards (Given by TM Tsuchihashi & TM S. Nagano):
-One of the three speakers was disqualified. No-one won.
-TM Cooley won the “Best Evaluator Award”.
-TM Cooley got a first place in the Table Topics Speech Contest and will proceed through the Area Table Topics Speech Contest (English).
-TM S. Nagano got a second place in the Table Topics Speech Contest and will proceed through the Area Table Speech Topics Contest (Japanese).

       21:00; Meeting Adjourned