VENUE: Room A326, Education & Research Building, Eikokuji Campus, Kochi University of Technology / University of Kochi
*Be sure to bring your leadership manual
15:00 Call to Order by President
Introduction of the Guests
15:03 New Member Induction Ceremony
Word of the Day: Word Master: TM Piper
Introduction of Evaluation Team
General Evaluator: TM Tomonaga
Timer: TM Hashimoto Vote-Counter: TM Shinomiya
Ah-Counter: TM Miyoshi Grammarian: TM Wong
15:20 【Table Topics Session】 Table Topics Master: TM Y. Nagano
*Timer’s Report & Vote
15:40 Intermission
15:50 【Formal Speech Session】
Speaker 1: TM Piper
(CC #1 , Ice Breaker, 4-6 min)
Title: How on Earth did I get here?
Speaker 2: TM Kunisawa
(CC #6, Vocal Variety, 5-7 min)
Title: Slow and steady wins the race
Speaker 3: TM Tsuchihashi
(AD #7, The Entertaining Speaker #2 Resources for Entertainment, 5-7min)
Title: Kometsukibatta
Speaker 4: TM Kitaoka
(AD #5, Speeches by Management, 10-12 min)
Title: Clinical results of our surgeries for the hallux valgus
*Timer’s Report & Vote
16:30 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator
Evaluator 1: TM Adachi
Evaluator 2: TM Cooley
Evaluator 3: TM Hayashi
Evaluator 4: TM S. Nagano
*Timer’s Report & Vote
16:45 Report
Ah-Counter, Grammarian, Word Master
General Evaluator’s Comments
Address by Toastmaster
16:50 Award Presentation President: TM Nagano
16:55 Business Session
17:00 Adjourn
17:40 Year-End Party Kazemachi Shokado
Project Objectives:
Speaker 1
-To begin speaking before an audience.
-To discover speaking skills you already have and skills that need some attention
Speaker 2
-Use voice volume, pitch, rate, and quality to reflect and add meaning and interest to your message.
-Use pauses to enhance your message.
-Use vocal variety smoothly and naturally
Speaker 3
-Draw entertaining material from sources other than your own personal experience.
-Adapt your material to suit your topic, your own personality, and the audience.
Speaker 4