[Photo]Table Topic session by TM Kitaoka
【Date】 19:00 - 21:00, Monday, Octobor 27, 2008
【Venue】Conference Room, 2nd floor, Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education, Kochi University
19:00 Call to Order President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM Mine
19:10 【Table Topics Session】 "Your favorite in Autumn" TM Nagano
19:30 【Current Topic Session】"Should we change our leader in Japan?" TM Kitaoka
19:50 Intermission
20:00 【Formal Speech Session】
◆Speaker 1 TM Sasaoka (CC Project 7:Research your topic)
Title: Finding new Images of Kochi
◆Spseaker 2 TM Mine (CC Project 9: Persuade with Power)
Title: Surfing
◆Speaker 3 TM Hayashi (CC Project 5: Your body speaks)
Title: How long will superstition survive?"
◆Speaker 4 TM Hiromatsu (CC Project 3: Get to the point)
Title:Let's enjoy Halloween!
◆Speaker 5 TM Mimoto (CC Project 1: The Ice Breaker)
Title: My hobby
20:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Nagasaki
◆Evaluator 1 TM Kago
◆Evaluator 2 TM Shiomi
◆Evaluator 3 TM Yamada
◆Evaluator 4 TM Nagasaki
◆Evaluator 5 TM Kitaoka
◆Timer:TM Kago
◆Grammarian: TM Minami Word of the day: "educational"
◆General Evaluator's Report
20:50 Business Session
21:00 Adjourn President