
50th Regular Meeting

DATE & TIME: 15:00-17:30, Saturday, April 24, 2010

VENUE: Conference Room Number II, Kochi University

15:00 Call to Order by President

15:05 Greeting by Toastmaster: TM Sasaoka

Introduction of the Guests

Word Master: TM Yamanaka

Introduction of Evaluation Team by General Evaluator
General Evaluator : TM Tomonaga
Timer & Record Keeper : TM Shimizu
Ah-Counter: TM Nagasaki
Grammarian & Phonetician: TM Yamanaka

15:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Ando
15:25 【Mini Debate Session】 TM Nagasaki
Topic: A mobile phone is a blessing.
Affirmative: Team Nagano vs. Negative: Team Sasaoka

15:50 Intermission

16:00 【Formal Speech Session】
Speaker 1: TM Satomi (CC#1 Ice Breaker, 4-6 min)
Title: Self-introduction
Speaker 2: TM Kato (CC#1 Ice Breaker, 4-6 min)
Title: Self-introduction
Speaker 3: TM Hiromatsu (CC#9 Persuade with power, 5-7 min)
Title:German games
Speaker 4: TM Nagano (AD Humorously speaking, #1, Warm up your audience,5-7 min)
Title: Traffic Accident

16:30 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator
Evaluator 1: TM Hayashi
Evaluator 2: TM Ando
Evaluator 3: TM Kitaoka
Evaluator 4: TM Kago

Timer, Grammarian & Phonetician, Ah-Counter and Word Master's report
General Evaluator's Comment

16:50 Sharing Session

17:00 【Special Lecture】Area 43 Governor TM Ueta
"Launching a leadership track program" + Q&A session

17:20 Business Session

17:30 Adjourn President

18:00 Anniversary Party
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