☆47th Regular Meeting of Kochi Toastmasters Club
19:00-21:00, Monday, January 25, 2010 at Conference Room Number II, Kochi University
19:00 Call to Order by President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM Ando
Introduction of the Guests
Word Master: TM Hiromatsu
Introduction of Evaluation Team by General Evaluator
General Evaluator : TM Yamada
Timer & Record Keeper : TM Nagano
Grammarian: TM Kago
19:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Kitaoka
19:30 【Special Speech & Mini Evaluation Speech Session】
Video: Area 43 Joint Meeting Best Speaker Award Winning Speech "Let's slim down " TM Nagano
20:00 Intermission
20:10 【Formal Speech Session】
Speaker 1: TM Yamanaka (CC 3 : Get to the point, 5-7 min )
Title: Movie Theater
Speaker 2: TM Hayashi (AD 1: )
Title: The first New Year's card from a friend in 20 years
20:30 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator: TM Nagasaki
Evaluator 1 TM: TM Hiromatsu
Evaluator 2 TM: TM Sasaoka
Timer, Grammarian and Word Master's report
General Evaluator's Comment
20:50 Business Session
21:00 Adjourn President
1)grammarianとword masterを切り離しました。
word masterはword of the dayを提示し、簡単な説明をしてください。
2)Timer とrecord keeperを統合
先日の岡山のArea joint meetingも参考にして、変更しました。この他
にも、Ah-counterやVote counterなどがありました。追加すると良いもの
Kochi Toastmasters Club 第46回例会
46th Regular meeting
【Date】 15:00 - 17:00, Saturday, December 19, 2009
【Venue】 Conference Room Number One
(the 2nd floor, Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education) Kochi univ.
*the room at the end of the hallway
15:00 Call to Order President
15:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM Nagano
15:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Tomonaga "Summary 2009"
15:30 【Current Topic Session】 "'The trendy words of the year" TM Hayashi
15:50 Intermission
16:00 【Formal Speech Session】
Speaker 1: TM Kitaoka (CC Project 8 : Get comfortable with visual aids )
Title: Short trip to Nara
Speaker 2: TM Ando (CC Project 4: How to say it)
Title: "Route 194; what a wonderful road”
Speaker 3: TM Hiromatsu (CC Project 8: Get comfortable with visual aids)
Title: Aha! experience
Speaker 4: TM Watari (Advanced manual:Interpretive Reading #1 Read a Story
Title:"Botchan -Soseki Natsume-"
16:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Nagasaki
Evaluator 1 TM: TM Tomonaga
Evaluator 2 TM: TM Nagano
Evaluator 3 TM: TM Nagasaki
Evaluator 3 TM: TM Yamanaka
Timer: TM Watari
Grammarian & Record Keeper: TM Ando Word of the day: “earthquake ”
General Evaluator's Report
16:50 Business Session
-joint meeting in Okayama
-regular meeting on the go
17:00 Adjourn President
17:30 - Bonenkai
Place: Izakaya "Friend" http://gourmet.yahoo.co.jp/0006033875/
【Venue】 Conference Room Number One
(the 2nd floor, Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education) Kochi univ.
*the room at the end of the hallway
15:00 Call to Order President
15:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM Nagano
15:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Tomonaga "Summary 2009"
15:30 【Current Topic Session】 "'The trendy words of the year" TM Hayashi
15:50 Intermission
16:00 【Formal Speech Session】
Speaker 1: TM Kitaoka (CC Project 8 : Get comfortable with visual aids )
Title: Short trip to Nara
Speaker 2: TM Ando (CC Project 4: How to say it)
Title: "Route 194; what a wonderful road”
Speaker 3: TM Hiromatsu (CC Project 8: Get comfortable with visual aids)
Title: Aha! experience
Speaker 4: TM Watari (Advanced manual:Interpretive Reading #1 Read a Story
Title:"Botchan -Soseki Natsume-"
16:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Nagasaki
Evaluator 1 TM: TM Tomonaga
Evaluator 2 TM: TM Nagano
Evaluator 3 TM: TM Nagasaki
Evaluator 3 TM: TM Yamanaka
Timer: TM Watari
Grammarian & Record Keeper: TM Ando Word of the day: “earthquake ”
General Evaluator's Report
16:50 Business Session
-joint meeting in Okayama
-regular meeting on the go
17:00 Adjourn President
17:30 - Bonenkai
Place: Izakaya "Friend" http://gourmet.yahoo.co.jp/0006033875/
45th Regular Meeting
【Date】 19:00 - 21:00, Monday, November 30, 2009
【Venue】Conference Room Number Two
(the 2nd floor, Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education) Kochi univ.
19:00 Call to Order President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM Hiromatsu
Guests: Ms Michelle Wigianto
Mr Watari Yuichi, Nihonbashi Century TM Club
19:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Taniguchi
19:30 【Current Topic Session】 "Two truths and a lie" TM Nagasaki
* Please tell us three things about you. But three things must
include two truths about you and one lie. Members have to guess
what the lie is. Finally we will choose the best liar!
19:50 Intermission
20:00 【Formal Speech Session】
Speaker 1: TM Hayashi (CC Project 10:Inspire your audience )
Title: 'What do you call your spouse?'.
Speaker 2: TM Yamanaka (CC Project 2: Organize your speech)
Title: "Dog's taste and human's taste"
Speaker 3: TM Nagano (CC Project 9: Persuade with power)
Title:"Make up"
20:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Kitaoka
Evaluator 1 TM: TM Nagasaki
Evaluator 2 TM: TM Tomonaga
Evaluator 3 TM: TM Ando
Timer: TM Hayashi
Grammarian & Record Keeper: TM Yamanaka Word of the day: “red”
General Evaluator's Report
20:50 Business Session
- A letter from TM Minami
- Joint Meeting Jan.10, 2010 in Okayama
- Request : date change
December meeting & Bonenkai (Formerly scheduled on Dec. 12)
46th Regular Meeting 15:00 - 17:00 Saturday, December 19, 2009
Bonenkai 17:30-
- Regular meeting on the go Nangoku-shi
21:00 Adjourn President
【Venue】Conference Room Number Two
(the 2nd floor, Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education) Kochi univ.
19:00 Call to Order President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM Hiromatsu
Guests: Ms Michelle Wigianto
Mr Watari Yuichi, Nihonbashi Century TM Club
19:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Taniguchi
19:30 【Current Topic Session】 "Two truths and a lie" TM Nagasaki
* Please tell us three things about you. But three things must
include two truths about you and one lie. Members have to guess
what the lie is. Finally we will choose the best liar!
19:50 Intermission
20:00 【Formal Speech Session】
Speaker 1: TM Hayashi (CC Project 10:Inspire your audience )
Title: 'What do you call your spouse?'.
Speaker 2: TM Yamanaka (CC Project 2: Organize your speech)
Title: "Dog's taste and human's taste"
Speaker 3: TM Nagano (CC Project 9: Persuade with power)
Title:"Make up"
20:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Kitaoka
Evaluator 1 TM: TM Nagasaki
Evaluator 2 TM: TM Tomonaga
Evaluator 3 TM: TM Ando
Timer: TM Hayashi
Grammarian & Record Keeper: TM Yamanaka Word of the day: “red”
General Evaluator's Report
20:50 Business Session
- A letter from TM Minami
- Joint Meeting Jan.10, 2010 in Okayama
- Request : date change
December meeting & Bonenkai (Formerly scheduled on Dec. 12)
46th Regular Meeting 15:00 - 17:00 Saturday, December 19, 2009
Bonenkai 17:30-
- Regular meeting on the go Nangoku-shi
21:00 Adjourn President
42nd Regular Meeting
【Date】 19:00 - 21:00, Monday, August 24, 2009
【Venue】Presentation Room,Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education, Kochi University
19:00 Call to Order President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM
19:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Nagano
19:30 【Current Topic Session】 "War is over?!" TM Nagasaki
19:50 Intermission
20:00 【Formal Speech Session】
◆Speaker 1 TM Sasaoka (CC Project 10: Inspire you audience)
◆Speaker 2 TM Hayashi (CC Project 9: Persuade with power)
◆Speaker 3 TM Nagano (CC Project 8: Get comfortable with visual aides)
◆Speaker 4 TM Tsubouchi (CC Project 1: Ice Breaker)
20:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM
◆Evaluator 1 TM
◆Evaluator 2 TM
◆Evaluator 3 TM
◆Evaluator 4 TM
◆Grammarian: TM Word of the day: " "
◆General Evaluator's Report
20:50 Business Session
21:00 Adjourn President
【Venue】Presentation Room,Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education, Kochi University
19:00 Call to Order President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM
19:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Nagano
19:30 【Current Topic Session】 "War is over?!" TM Nagasaki
19:50 Intermission
20:00 【Formal Speech Session】
◆Speaker 1 TM Sasaoka (CC Project 10: Inspire you audience)
◆Speaker 2 TM Hayashi (CC Project 9: Persuade with power)
◆Speaker 3 TM Nagano (CC Project 8: Get comfortable with visual aides)
◆Speaker 4 TM Tsubouchi (CC Project 1: Ice Breaker)
20:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM
◆Evaluator 1 TM
◆Evaluator 2 TM
◆Evaluator 3 TM
◆Evaluator 4 TM
◆Grammarian: TM Word of the day: " "
◆General Evaluator's Report
20:50 Business Session
21:00 Adjourn President
41st Regular Meeting
Dear members,
This is a tentative agenda for the 41st regular meeting. Please let me know of
your preferences.
【Date】 15:00 - 17:00, Saturday, July 25, 2009
【Venue】Seminar Room, 2F Kochi International Association
15:00 Call to Order President
15:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Day: TM Nagano
15:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Tomonaga
15:30 【Current Topic Session】 "Aiming for a Low-carbon society" TM Ando
15:50 Intermission
16:00 【Formal Speech Session】
◆Speaker 1 TM Minami (AD Project 4:)
◆Speaker 2 TM Hiromatsu (CC Project 6: Vocal Variety)
Title: Solar eclipse
◆Speaker 3 TM Ando (CC Project 2: Organize your speech)
Title:Two Kochi castles
◆Speaker 4 TM Kitaoka (CC Project 6: Vocal Variety)
◆Speaker 5 TM Yamanaka (CC Project 1: Ice Breaker)
Title: Self introduction
16:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Yamada
◆Evaluator 1 TM Nagasaki
◆Evaluator 2 TM Hayashi
◆Evaluator 3 TM Minami
◆Evaluator 4 TM Sasaoka
◆Evaluator 5 TM Nagano
◆Timer:TM Tomonaga
◆Grammarian: TM Mimoto Word of the day: " "
◆General Evaluator's Report
16:50 Business Session
17:00 Adjourn President
17:30 Beer party Eze, Kochi Palace Hotel
This is a tentative agenda for the 41st regular meeting. Please let me know of
your preferences.
【Date】 15:00 - 17:00, Saturday, July 25, 2009
【Venue】Seminar Room, 2F Kochi International Association
15:00 Call to Order President
15:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Day: TM Nagano
15:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Tomonaga
15:30 【Current Topic Session】 "Aiming for a Low-carbon society" TM Ando
15:50 Intermission
16:00 【Formal Speech Session】
◆Speaker 1 TM Minami (AD Project 4:)
◆Speaker 2 TM Hiromatsu (CC Project 6: Vocal Variety)
Title: Solar eclipse
◆Speaker 3 TM Ando (CC Project 2: Organize your speech)
Title:Two Kochi castles
◆Speaker 4 TM Kitaoka (CC Project 6: Vocal Variety)
◆Speaker 5 TM Yamanaka (CC Project 1: Ice Breaker)
Title: Self introduction
16:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Yamada
◆Evaluator 1 TM Nagasaki
◆Evaluator 2 TM Hayashi
◆Evaluator 3 TM Minami
◆Evaluator 4 TM Sasaoka
◆Evaluator 5 TM Nagano
◆Timer:TM Tomonaga
◆Grammarian: TM Mimoto Word of the day: " "
◆General Evaluator's Report
16:50 Business Session
17:00 Adjourn President
17:30 Beer party Eze, Kochi Palace Hotel
41st Regular Meeting & Beer Party
40th Regular Meeting

【Date】 19:00 - 21:00, Monday, June 22, 2009
【Venue】Presentation Room,Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education, Kochi University
19:00 Call to Order President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM Hayashi
19:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Hiromatsu
19:30 【Current Topic Session】 "Tokyo Olympic Games" TM Nagano
19:50 Intermission
20:00 【Formal Speech Session】
◆Speaker 1 TM Tomonaga (CC Project 5: Your body speaks)
Title: Time is Money
◆Speaker 2 TM Nagano (CC Project 7: Research your topic)
Title:We have to eat/
◆Speaker 3 TM Kumon (CC Project 1: Ice Breaker)
◆Speaker 4 TM Shigematsu (CC Project 1: Ice Breaker)
20:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Hiromatsu
◆Evaluator 1 TM Yamada
◆Evaluator 2 TM Kago
◆Evaluator 3 TM Hayashi
◆Evaluator 4 TM Taniguchi
◆Timer:TM Minami
◆Grammarian: TM Nagasaki Word of the day: " "
◆General Evaluator's Report
20:50 Business Session
21:00 Adjourn President
New Club Officers
Officers for Club 861224 as of May 25, 2009
For the period July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
President: Nagasaki Masahiro, ACB
Vice President Education: Yamada Noriaki, CC
Vice President Membership: Sachi Nagano
Vice President Public Relations: Hisato Sasaoka
Secretary: Etsuko Kago
Treasurer: Hisako Mimoto
Sergeant at Arms: Masaki Taniguchi, ATM
For the period July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
President: Nagasaki Masahiro, ACB
Vice President Education: Yamada Noriaki, CC
Vice President Membership: Sachi Nagano
Vice President Public Relations: Hisato Sasaoka
Secretary: Etsuko Kago
Treasurer: Hisako Mimoto
Sergeant at Arms: Masaki Taniguchi, ATM
39th Regular Meeting
【Date】 19:00 - 21:00, Monday, May 25, 2009
【Venue】Presentation Room,Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education, Kochi University
19:00 Call to Order President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM Nagano
19:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Minami
19:30 【Current Topic Session】 "Kochi is No.1" TM Nagasaki
* We would like to talk about good things and bad things about Kochi.
19:50 Intermission
20:00 【Formal Speech Session】
◆Speaker 1 TM Kago (CC Project 3: Get to the Point)
Title: Are you living with pets?
◆Speaker 2 TM Sasaoka (CC Project 9: Persuade with power)
Title: Yosakoi
◆Speaker 3 TM Ando (CC Project 1: Ice Breaker)
20:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Taniguchi
◆Evaluator 1 TM Hiromatsu
◆Evaluator 2 TM Hayashi
◆Evaluator 3 TM Nagano
◆Timer:TM Minami
◆Grammarian: Hayashi TM Word of the day: "useful"
◆General Evaluator's Report
20:50 Business Session
21:00 Adjourn President
【Venue】Presentation Room,Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education, Kochi University
19:00 Call to Order President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM Nagano
19:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Minami
19:30 【Current Topic Session】 "Kochi is No.1" TM Nagasaki
* We would like to talk about good things and bad things about Kochi.
19:50 Intermission
20:00 【Formal Speech Session】
◆Speaker 1 TM Kago (CC Project 3: Get to the Point)
Title: Are you living with pets?
◆Speaker 2 TM Sasaoka (CC Project 9: Persuade with power)
Title: Yosakoi
◆Speaker 3 TM Ando (CC Project 1: Ice Breaker)
20:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Taniguchi
◆Evaluator 1 TM Hiromatsu
◆Evaluator 2 TM Hayashi
◆Evaluator 3 TM Nagano
◆Timer:TM Minami
◆Grammarian: Hayashi TM Word of the day: "useful"
◆General Evaluator's Report
20:50 Business Session
21:00 Adjourn President
38th Regular Meeting
【Date】 19:00 - 21:00, Monday, April 27, 2009
【Venue】Presentation Room,Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education, Kochi University
*Please note the venue of the 38th meeting will be changed.
Presentation Room is on the north side of the same Building.
19:00 Call to Order President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM Kago
19:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Nagasaki
19:30 【Current Topic Session】"Cash Handout Program" TM Sasaoka
19:50 Intermission
20:00 【Formal Speech Session】
◆Speaker 1 TM Kitaoka (CC Project 5: Your body speaks)
Title: "Hand Talk"
◆Speaker 2 TM Hayashi (CC Project 8: Get comfortable with visual aids)
Title: "Society and Tolerace"
◆Speaker 3 TM Hiromatsu (CC Project 5: Your body speaks)
Title: "The fantastic entertainment Corteo"
◆Speaker 4 TM Mimoto (CC Project 2: Organize your speech)
Title: Sakura
20:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Nagasaki
◆Evaluator 1 TM Nagasaki
◆Evaluator 2 TM Sasaoka
◆Evaluator 3 TM Kago
◆Evaluator 4 TM Taniguchi
◆Timer:TM Hayashi
◆Grammarian: Hiromsstu TM Word of the day: None
◆General Evaluator's Report
20:50 Business Session
21:00 Adjourn President
【Venue】Presentation Room,Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education, Kochi University
*Please note the venue of the 38th meeting will be changed.
Presentation Room is on the north side of the same Building.
19:00 Call to Order President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM Kago
19:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Nagasaki
19:30 【Current Topic Session】"Cash Handout Program" TM Sasaoka
19:50 Intermission
20:00 【Formal Speech Session】
◆Speaker 1 TM Kitaoka (CC Project 5: Your body speaks)
Title: "Hand Talk"
◆Speaker 2 TM Hayashi (CC Project 8: Get comfortable with visual aids)
Title: "Society and Tolerace"
◆Speaker 3 TM Hiromatsu (CC Project 5: Your body speaks)
Title: "The fantastic entertainment Corteo"
◆Speaker 4 TM Mimoto (CC Project 2: Organize your speech)
Title: Sakura
20:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Nagasaki
◆Evaluator 1 TM Nagasaki
◆Evaluator 2 TM Sasaoka
◆Evaluator 3 TM Kago
◆Evaluator 4 TM Taniguchi
◆Timer:TM Hayashi
◆Grammarian: Hiromsstu TM Word of the day: None
◆General Evaluator's Report
20:50 Business Session
21:00 Adjourn President
37th Regular Meeting
【Date】 19:00 - 21:00, Monday, March 23, 2009
【Venue】Conference Room, 2nd floor, Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education,
Kochi University
19:00 Call to Order President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM Mine
19:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Mine
19:30 【Current Topic Session】" " TM Tomonaga
19:50 Intermission
20:00 【Formal Speech Session】
◆Speaker 1 TM Nagano (CC Project 6: Vocal Variety)
Title: What makes our home cozy?
◆Speaker 2 TM Hayashi (CC Project 7: Research your topic)
Title: Used book shop
◆Speaker 3 TM Tomonaga (CC Project 4: How to say it)
Title: Academy Award
◆Speaker 4 TM Nagasaki (AD Specialty Speeches Project 2: Uplift the Spirit)
Title: Say Yes
20:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Yamada
◆Evaluator 1 TM Kitaoka
◆Evaluator 2 TM Mine
◆Evaluator 3 TM Sasaoka
◆Evaluator 4 TM Hiromatsu
◆Timer:TM Mimoto
◆Grammarian: TM Sasaoka Word of the day: "Change"
◆General Evaluator's Report
20:50 Business Session
21:00 Adjourn President
【Venue】Conference Room, 2nd floor, Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education,
Kochi University
19:00 Call to Order President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM Mine
19:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Mine
19:30 【Current Topic Session】" " TM Tomonaga
19:50 Intermission
20:00 【Formal Speech Session】
◆Speaker 1 TM Nagano (CC Project 6: Vocal Variety)
Title: What makes our home cozy?
◆Speaker 2 TM Hayashi (CC Project 7: Research your topic)
Title: Used book shop
◆Speaker 3 TM Tomonaga (CC Project 4: How to say it)
Title: Academy Award
◆Speaker 4 TM Nagasaki (AD Specialty Speeches Project 2: Uplift the Spirit)
Title: Say Yes
20:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Yamada
◆Evaluator 1 TM Kitaoka
◆Evaluator 2 TM Mine
◆Evaluator 3 TM Sasaoka
◆Evaluator 4 TM Hiromatsu
◆Timer:TM Mimoto
◆Grammarian: TM Sasaoka Word of the day: "Change"
◆General Evaluator's Report
20:50 Business Session
21:00 Adjourn President
Area 43 Joint meeting held successfully!
Area 43 Joint Meeting 2009
【Date】 Saturday, February 21, 2009 13:00 – 16:30
【Venue】 2F Conference Room Number One, Sogo Kenkyu To (総合研究棟) Kochi University
13:00 Registration
13:30 Call to Order Taniguchi Masaki, President, Kochi TMC
Congratulatory Address LGET Tamura Minoru, DTM
Division D Governor Kuroda Wataru, DTM
13:45 Introduction of Participants Presidents
13:55 Toastmaster of the Day Yamada Noriaki, CC (Kochi)
Timers: Shibata Katako, CC( Okayama)
Kajimoto Fukue (Tokushima)
Vote Counters: Hirano Minori (Takamatsu) &
Grammarian: Tamura Kay, CTM (Tokushima)
14:05 Table Topic Workshop DTM Ludlow Gibbons (East-Kobe)
14:50 Intermission
15:00 Formal Speech Session
Speaker 1 TM Sasaoka Hisato (Kochi)
"Finding new images of Tokushima, Kagawa, Okayama, and Kobe."
5-7 min, Basic Manual #8 Get Comfortable with Visual Aids
Speaker 2 Bando Mikiko, CC (Tokushima)
Speaker 3 Nuwan Karunathilaka (Okayama)
"Think before you eat"
5-7 min Basic Manual #9 Persuade with Power
Speaker 4 Shiota Yorihiko, CC (Takamatsu)
"I Had A Dream"
5-7 min The Entertaining Speaker #1 The Entertaining Speech
Speaker 5 Asai Taka, ACG/ALB (Tokushima)
“Like Water and Air, and Miso Soup”
Speaker 6 Yamada Kenichi, ACB (East-Kobe)
”Act Of God”
6-8 m Storytelling # 2:Let’s get Personal
15:55 Evaluation Session General Evaluator: Taniguchi Masaki, ATM (Kochi)
Evaluator 1 Suzuki Takashi, ATM (Takamatsu)
Evaluator 2 Nakao Teruko, DTM (East-Kobe)
Evaluator 3 Nagasaki Masahiro, ATM (Kochi)
Evaluator 4 Ohmori Junko, CC (Tokushima)
Evaluator 5 Kawasaki Keiko, CTM (Okayama)
Evaluator 6 Tamura Minoru, DTM (Tokushima)
Timer's Report
Grammarian's Report
General Evaluator's Comment
16:20 Award Presentation
16:25 Comments from Area Officers
16:27 Closing Address
16:30 Adjourn President ATM Taniguchi Masaki (Kochi)
16:30 Reception with tea and biscuits *Participation fee: 500 yen
【Venue】 2F Conference Room Number One, Sogo Kenkyu To (総合研究棟) Kochi University
13:00 Registration
13:30 Call to Order Taniguchi Masaki, President, Kochi TMC
Congratulatory Address LGET Tamura Minoru, DTM
Division D Governor Kuroda Wataru, DTM
13:45 Introduction of Participants Presidents
13:55 Toastmaster of the Day Yamada Noriaki, CC (Kochi)
Timers: Shibata Katako, CC( Okayama)
Kajimoto Fukue (Tokushima)
Vote Counters: Hirano Minori (Takamatsu) &
Grammarian: Tamura Kay, CTM (Tokushima)
14:05 Table Topic Workshop DTM Ludlow Gibbons (East-Kobe)
14:50 Intermission
15:00 Formal Speech Session
Speaker 1 TM Sasaoka Hisato (Kochi)
"Finding new images of Tokushima, Kagawa, Okayama, and Kobe."
5-7 min, Basic Manual #8 Get Comfortable with Visual Aids
Speaker 2 Bando Mikiko, CC (Tokushima)
Speaker 3 Nuwan Karunathilaka (Okayama)
"Think before you eat"
5-7 min Basic Manual #9 Persuade with Power
Speaker 4 Shiota Yorihiko, CC (Takamatsu)
"I Had A Dream"
5-7 min The Entertaining Speaker #1 The Entertaining Speech
Speaker 5 Asai Taka, ACG/ALB (Tokushima)
“Like Water and Air, and Miso Soup”
Speaker 6 Yamada Kenichi, ACB (East-Kobe)
”Act Of God”
6-8 m Storytelling # 2:Let’s get Personal
15:55 Evaluation Session General Evaluator: Taniguchi Masaki, ATM (Kochi)
Evaluator 1 Suzuki Takashi, ATM (Takamatsu)
Evaluator 2 Nakao Teruko, DTM (East-Kobe)
Evaluator 3 Nagasaki Masahiro, ATM (Kochi)
Evaluator 4 Ohmori Junko, CC (Tokushima)
Evaluator 5 Kawasaki Keiko, CTM (Okayama)
Evaluator 6 Tamura Minoru, DTM (Tokushima)
Timer's Report
Grammarian's Report
General Evaluator's Comment
16:20 Award Presentation
16:25 Comments from Area Officers
16:27 Closing Address
16:30 Adjourn President ATM Taniguchi Masaki (Kochi)
16:30 Reception with tea and biscuits *Participation fee: 500 yen
36th Regular Meeting Jan,2009
【Date】 19:00 - 21:00, Monday, January 26 , 2009
【Venue】Conference Room, 2nd floor, Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education, Kochi University
19:00 Call to Order President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM Kago
19:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Nagasaki "Good Old Days"
19:30 【Current Topic Session】"The Japanese events of the New Year " TM Hayashi
19:50 Intermission
20:00 【Formal Speech Session】
◆Speaker 1 Mine (CC Project 10: Inspire Your Audience)
Title: Brain & Brain restriction
◆Speaker 2 TM Kago (CC Project 2: Organize your speech)
Title: Is copying bad?
◆Speaker 3 TM Tomonaga (CC Project 3: Get to the point)
Title: New President
◆Speaker 4 TM Nagano (CC Project 5: Your body speaks)
Title: Color and Our Life
20:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Nagasaki
◆Evaluator 1 TM Nagasaki
◆Evaluator 2 TM Hayashi
◆Evaluator 3 TM Mimoto
◆Evaluator 4 TM Mine
◆Timer:TM Mine
◆Grammarian: TM Kumon Word of the day:"Book"
◆General Evaluator's Report
16:50 Business Session (Joint Meeting)
17:00 Adjourn President
【Venue】Conference Room, 2nd floor, Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education, Kochi University
19:00 Call to Order President
19:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM Kago
19:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Nagasaki "Good Old Days"
19:30 【Current Topic Session】"The Japanese events of the New Year " TM Hayashi
19:50 Intermission
20:00 【Formal Speech Session】
◆Speaker 1 Mine (CC Project 10: Inspire Your Audience)
Title: Brain & Brain restriction
◆Speaker 2 TM Kago (CC Project 2: Organize your speech)
Title: Is copying bad?
◆Speaker 3 TM Tomonaga (CC Project 3: Get to the point)
Title: New President
◆Speaker 4 TM Nagano (CC Project 5: Your body speaks)
Title: Color and Our Life
20:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Nagasaki
◆Evaluator 1 TM Nagasaki
◆Evaluator 2 TM Hayashi
◆Evaluator 3 TM Mimoto
◆Evaluator 4 TM Mine
◆Timer:TM Mine
◆Grammarian: TM Kumon Word of the day:"Book"
◆General Evaluator's Report
16:50 Business Session (Joint Meeting)
17:00 Adjourn President
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