
46th Regular meeting

【Date】 15:00 - 17:00, Saturday, December 19, 2009
【Venue】 Conference Room Number One
(the 2nd floor, Sogo Kenkyu Faculty of Education) Kochi univ.
     *the room at the end of the hallway

15:00 Call to Order President

15:05 Greeting by Toastmaster of the Evening: TM Nagano

15:10 【Table Topics Session】 TM Tomonaga "Summary 2009"

15:30 【Current Topic Session】 "'The trendy words of the year" TM Hayashi

15:50 Intermission

16:00 【Formal Speech Session】

Speaker 1: TM Kitaoka (CC Project 8 : Get comfortable with visual aids )
Title: Short trip to Nara

Speaker 2: TM Ando (CC Project 4: How to say it)
Title: "Route 194; what a wonderful road”

Speaker 3: TM Hiromatsu (CC Project 8: Get comfortable with visual aids)
Title: Aha! experience

Speaker 4: TM Watari (Advanced manual:Interpretive Reading #1 Read a Story
Title:"Botchan -Soseki Natsume-"

16:40 【Evaluation Session】 General Evaluator TM Nagasaki

Evaluator 1 TM: TM Tomonaga
Evaluator 2 TM: TM Nagano
Evaluator 3 TM: TM Nagasaki
Evaluator 3 TM: TM Yamanaka

Timer: TM Watari
Grammarian & Record Keeper: TM Ando Word of the day: “earthquake ”
General Evaluator's Report

16:50 Business Session
-joint meeting in Okayama
-regular meeting on the go

17:00 Adjourn President

17:30 - Bonenkai
       Place: Izakaya "Friend" http://gourmet.yahoo.co.jp/0006033875/